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  1. I'm taking my license in Houston in the next couple of weeks. Does anyone know where I can work specifically by name in the downtown/galleria/ timbergrove/ greenway areas without my license first? I...
  2. Hi, any chance you know what phlebotomists start out with as
  3. Free Cna Classes In The Houston Area!!!

    Anyone know of any free classes in the houston area now updated November 2010? Or know of any cheap classes and know of starting salaries in Houston for CNA? Do hospitals pay $15 an hour and up?...
  4. thanks TheCommuter...quick question, if I wanted to find a place to work as a CNA/ PCA and get paid while I attend a school and take the certification test what would be a better place, LTC or...
  5. CNA's/PCT's how much do you make?

    do you know if this is still the staring wage or is there something higher, what hospitals do you know of that hires for more? I'm trying to start this myself but out of all the websites nobody is...
  6. CNA's/PCT's how much do you make?

    Is this in Dallas? Are they still hiring more CNA/PCA's...could you let me know
  7. CNA's/PCT's how much do you make?

    Hi, are these for CNA/ PCA salaries? Do you know if your hospital is hiring now? or where I could go for a job? I'd like to make at least 15 an hr, will forfeit the benefits to do so and look to...
  8. Dallas: VA/Medical City/Presbyterian GN Pay Rate?

    How much did you make as a PCA/CNA and do u think that increased
  9. Hey Everyone, I'm looking to be a PCA/ CNA either in Dallas / Ft Worth Area or Houston or Austin Areas. Here in Oklahoma I can make $15 an hr. I don't really want to settle in Oklahoma and want to...
  10. DNI Dallas Nursing Institute RN program

    I agree....go to Community College so all of your hard work will be recognized. For one Community College your credits will be transferable to go on further in your career. Yes they are competitive...
  11. Hi, I'm assuming you have completed the fast track CNA program...how do you like it? Was the program fast or ok? Did you go days/nights/weekend to complete the CNA course? How much was it? Did you...
  12. CNA Classes in Knoxville

    Out of the TN Tech Center, Red Cross and a nursing home, to get your CNA which you say to do? Can you also inform me of the days and hours of each program and if they are only offered days or...
  13. Congrats on passing your course. Can you advise me how many days a week school was and the hours you attended. Is it just day or do they have a night program? I want to work as a CNA while I go...
  14. Does anyone know of any LPN programs in Houston in the EVENINGS? How long they are? How much? Are they fast paced or easily obtainable as long as you study? Financing available with most of these?...
  15. Sept 2010 Roll call LPN Programs!!!

    Congrats to everyone getting accepted into the programs. Anyone know of any evening programs in Houston, Texas available? How long and how much they