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All Content by guiltysins

  1. Native NYer going out of state for school?

    Are you planning to just go and come straight back? What if you go ot there and get offered a job before graduation? As long as you have a year experience under your belt you will be fine coming back to the city. I would say go for it and even if you...
  2. How do you know they haven't already explored those other options. Not to mention programs like Pharmacy and Physical Therapy are not in abundance and require 6 year programs for work and are more competitive than nursing.
  3. Patient falls scare me to death

    Your classmate was right, patients fall all the time, but that doesn't mean they should! LOL I mean to me that's like telling someone they are afraid their patient will die that "patients die all the time". Just because it happens doesn't mean you sh...
  4. Be Aware: Don't Go into Nursing

    It was clear said person wasn't in nursing when they mentioned something about hand holding for a year before they are safe. HAHAHA aside from new grad programs, who actually gets orientation and a preceptor for a year? Also I think a few people wan...
  5. Why did you choose to go into nursing?

    My story is similar to most, I wanted to do healthcare or something along with healthcare, mainly helping children. Nursing wasn't my only interest, I was comparing it to Ultrasound tech, Physician Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Respirtatory Ther...
  6. Overweight Nurse?

    I also have PCOS, I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago. For the past 2-3 months I've also had a lot of problems with water retention so that's not helping either. I definetely want to lose some weight while I'm in nursing school and I'm dreading how ...
  7. Nursing School Jitters

    I start Sept 7th and I'm excited and scared. Our nursing class is starting with 160 this semester and I do know a few of my classmates but a lot of my friends are doing part-time which is three nursing classes while I'm doing full-time which is five....
  8. Well this sucks..

    I actually know how you feel, I had a situation like this with my school. I was listed as a probationary nursing student because in my program all pre-nursing students are listed as that and you have to put in a change of major form to fix it. So I p...
  9. Do you consider yourself a "highly sensitive person" ?

    I agree with weezie. I don't know for sure I would call myself high sensitive, I think I might just be get overemotional. The kind that will cry from seeing other people cry in a sad situation but I can take pressure, meet deadlines and work under st...
  10. nicu volunteer and future adn rn..... problem?

    It depends on the hospital, not specifically the NICU. Some hospitals prefer BSN's regardless of the department. I have seen some hospitals that will consider you if you are at least a year into your BSN program when you apply for the job. I don't re...
  11. I know it's a little early to be starting this thread since most people have just applied and all but I've been waiting to start this FOREVER. On tuesday I register for my last four pre-reqs. It took me three years to get all of them done for my BSN ...
  12. What is the difference between these 3 courses?

    Actually the times of courses can vary. I just did my BLS course and it was 4 hours (we weren't even there the entire 4 hours either) so they all don't have to be a 6 hour course. Some have 8 hour courses but I would definetely take the course labele...
  13. Should you buy new or used books for your program?

    All the books I need are packages and when I look at the used on amazong or half they always say they don't have the cd or study guide ect so I just buy new copies. I am still getting them online though and for all new books it's only about 450 which...
  14. Is there volunteer work for pre-nursing students?

    This could vary with the area but hospitals around me usually require you to be 21 if you're going to be working with children or babies.
  15. What did i get myself into?!?

    Actually it depends on the school and your professor. Because I found A&P I e to be interesting, it took some time but I only had this class once a week so maybe that's why it wasn't that time consuming. I also found Micro to be easy but that's b...
  16. Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing - just how good is it?

    Being a NY resident doesn't matter, we don't get any preferences trust me. If you're doing a nurse practitioner program in NY then most nursing programs have a pretty good reputation. The name isn't really the main thing, it's the NCLEX score, if the...
  17. BSN Required?

    Depends on your area. in NYC the children's hospitals prefer and usually only hired BSN nurses.
  18. Phillips Beth Israel Applicants

    Actually most don't mind that it's from the Red Cross but that one is usually more expensive and then it only lasts a year.
  19. Florida, New York, New Jersey, California, Nevada

    Hunter doesn't want you to retake pre-reqs and even if you do they will only accept your first grade I think. I go to LIU-Brooklyn and they aren't strict, however pre-reqs are considered nursing pre-reqs and core requirements (basically you have to c...
  20. Should I forget about nursing?

    Well if you have not taken any nursing pre-reqs then you don't have a dilemma. You would have to transfer before you do nursing pre-reqs. Your GPA doesn't follow you, do your nursing pre-reqs at the school you want to go to if you get accepted and th...
  21. Can you take labs separately?

    You would have to bring it up with the specific schools you are looking to take it at and see if they would let you take the lab without the class but I've never heard of that happening, I've heard of it being the other way around from people who pas...
  22. You've been accepted...sike!

    I get what you're trying to say. Why let you be a pre-nursing student if you can't apply to their program. Maybe it seems silly but you more likely met the requirements to be a pre-nursing major. Which for the most part is having a gpa of 2.5 or 85 a...
  23. Fall 2010 Classes!!

    Wow my schedule is similar to yours and I have 5 classes and you just have one! They are working your butt off lol.
  24. How do nurse clinical usually work?

    If you're going into a hospital as a student after only being in those classes for 6 weeks, you're not going to know what every drug does to every part of the body just yet. You might get a patient with a disease you've never even heard of in class. ...
  25. First time looking into nursing

    They're not as difficult as the MCATs, I only took the HESI A2 and I thought it was very easy, it's nothing specific to nursing on it as with the other tests. The math and reading comp were pretty SAT stylish.