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All Content by Alexandres

  1. How many here are waiting on these! I spoke to someone in my A&P class that went to the nursing dept. to ask when they would be mailed out. She said that they will definitely be mailed out by the 15th of April, but that they were pushing to have ...
  2. Immunization for nursing students. Question -

    Always worth it (unless it's covered with insurance) to go to your county health department for these shots. Even when I went to a doctor, I mentioned I was in school and received those shots at a cheaper cost than usual.
  3. Marriage and Nursing school ?

    I feel your pain, especially the Mr. X part. Snakes in the grass. Good luck to you in school. One more year to go!
  4. Best Option to become CRNA

    Hi Jenniek, How did you like this program?
  5. List Serve Groups?

    Here are a couple:
  6. Marriage and Nursing school ?

    I agree with what you said about the kind of marriage you have before you start. One thing that has come out in conversation after the divorce is that she "felt like a loser because I was doing everything". Her words. We did have an understanding bef...
  7. Michigan wages

    Sounds like you need to move. Seriously, where do you work? With that much experience you should be making a tidy sum. Plus, you could do travel nursing and make some serious money. I applaud your years of experience, but if you think you're not maki...
  8. Question...

    Start of the program.
  9. Hesi test at Macomb

    I'm not sure sure which one she was talking about (it was Marilyn that said it BTW). Yeah, they are definitely characters, in a good way. :)
  10. Hesi test at Macomb

    Hi Jenny! Good to hear from you! Sounds like everything is going well for you. Just restarted myself..went through a divorce so I'm at psych now. So I won't be done now until May of next year. :angryfire My teacher was referring to the midway HESI, ...
  11. Is a BSN Mandatory For Military Nursing?

    Hi Corvette Guy, Thanks for the info. I didn't understand #4. Are you saying no or yes to this? Thanks.
  12. Is a BSN Mandatory For Military Nursing?

    Hi guys, I have a couple of questions about the Army Reserve program and a few other items: 1. To clarify, do you go in as a 1LT with ADN, and Major with BSN? 2. If you go in with the ADN, do you get promoted to Major once you complete your BSN? Is ...
  13. Marriage and Nursing school ?

    This definitely was mentioned on more than one occasion, as well as deep sighing during study sessions done over the phone. Very frustrating when not based on reality.
  14. Marriage and Nursing school ?

    While you make some great points, there are a lot of underlying issues that seem to come up when you decide to take on something like nursing school that may not have surfaced before. For me, I was working full time and going to school full time, so ...
  15. Michigan wages

    Friend of mine is starting at $25/hr at Providence in Southfield. She'll be graduating in October of this year.
  16. Marriage and Nursing school ?

    Well, my wife of 12 years couldn't handle it. So we are currently getting divorced. Had to stop school for a semester because of it, so that added to the bad news as well. It is extremely stressful, especially when you're focused so much on school th...
  17. Hesi test at Macomb

    I'm also in the Macomb program. I had a 4.0 and still started with the second group (October 2005), so it's very competitive. I'm really surprised someone got in with a 3.5 since everyone in my class seemed to have 4.0s. I had to do a stopout d/t a d...
  18. East Metro Detroit SICUs

    Hi All, I am interested in finding out what are some of the larger Level 1 trauma hospitals in the east suburbs. I'm pursuing my ADN at Macomb Community College (hopefully starting next fall). Just curious as to what my options are in the eastern sub...
  19. Chances of getting accepted

    I don't know which school the OP is referring to, but Oakland University/Beaumont Hospitals anesthesia program (Detroit Metro) has that parameter. Above 3.5 GPA, no need for GRE test.
  20. CRNAs in Puerto Rico?

    Hi JHC, So are you and your friend native Spanish speakers? If not, how has the transition been for you?
  21. CRNAs in Puerto Rico?

    Wow, I did not even know about this possibility. I am originally from PR and it would be awesome to work there at some point, as well as to study there since I still have family there. Have to brush up on my Spanish though. Conversational is pretty g...
  22. CRNAs in Puerto Rico?

    Great info! I have been wondering about this for a while, but finally did a search. Another question that I've been pondering is are there practicing CRNA's in PR? I have read about the low wages for RN's, does this carry over to CRNA's as well? Than...
  23. CPR Class Detroit Metro

    Hi All! Does anyone know of a place (hospital, company, etc.) that one can take a CPR course pretty short notice? I need to get into a class before the 13th of this month (yes, I have procrastinated :uhoh21: ) Thanks! Alex
  24. CPR Class Detroit Metro

    Well I don't love the nursing home.. :) It's been interesting so far, but I can't wait until we get to the hospital. Long term care is definitely not my bag. For professors I have Knesek (lab and clinicals..she's awesome!) and Malik and another for ...
  25. CPR Class Detroit Metro

    Hi Jenny! Hope all is well and classes are going OK. I managed to get in a class HFCC so I'm all set. Enjoying the first portions of clinicals immensely! :) How is your semester so far? Adios! A.