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All Content by BlueTexas89

  1. Just finished OB rotation

    L&D and PP were not my favorite rotations. Honestly, they were the worse of all of my rotations. I didn't do anything on my L&D floor except observe a few c-sections. PP, none of my patients...
  2. How many of you plan on going beyond BSN?

    i will be going on to get my ACNP after I get my
  3. are there any male lpn students here?

    LPN student here.. But not for long, I graduate on Aug 14!! Only 2 weeks left!! Any questions, feel free to
  4. Psych Nurses... Problem

    So, right now I am furious with the psych nursing staff at a local hospital. My grandmother was admitted to a psych unit because she had a change in mental status r/t no sleep. The only way they could...
  5. So, right now I am furious with the psych nursing staff at a local hospital. My grandmother was admitted to a psych unit because she had a change in mental status r/t no sleep. The only way they could...
  6. Nursing in Texas- Full Name legality on badge

    The hospital that I work at has our first name in big letters and our last name directly under that in small print with NURSING in big letters under that. So it's kind of like an eye game when people...
  7. Pharmacology Mnemonics

    Drugs used for TB RESPIration Rifampicin Ethambutol Streptomycin Pyrazinamide
  8. Microbio Pre-Req Emergency!

    Hey! I don't think taking Microbiology online would be a very smart idea. Micro is such an intense hand-on course that requires a lot of teacher-student interaction. Also, I don't think many colleges,...
  9. how many tests do you get a week?

    4 to 5.. medical terminology test on monday applied nursing test on monday pharmacology test on tuesdays dosage calculations quiz OR exam on wednesdays aka, WAY TOO MANY!
  10. Germ-X

    So, i'm addicted to Germ-X. I have a bottle in my backpack, lab coat, truck, bedroom, bathroom, every where!!! Does anyone else have this problem or is it just
  11. Germ-X

  12. What's the most pain meds you've ever seen ordered?

    geeez, 1mg MS would knock me out cold!! thats insane for 155mg/hr. i definitely would become comatose!
  13. Hints on Pharmacology

    i would love to have a copy of notes as well!
  14. Summer 2008 Microbiology

    Finally finished with micro!!! I made a 106 on my final (thank you bonus questions) and my final average is a 96!! How did everyone else
  15. Summer 2008 Microbiology

    i'm taking microbiology right now during summer II, July 9 - August 18. It's very intense. I have already taken one lecture exam (98!) and then a lab practical which I made an 88 on. So right now my...
  16. Well,

    I finally got my acceptance letter into the LVN
  17. How Many Times Did You Apply to Nursing School

    Once. LVN 4.0
  18. CNA Information

    I think you would just take the test and get certified in Arkansas, and then when they come to Texas they will have to apply for a CNA Reciprocity. Here is a website with detailed instructions on how...
  19. Well,

    haha what break? i'm taking microbiology right now during summer 2 and its definitely kicking my