I was a travel nurse in Med/Surg during the mid-90's and thoroughly enjoyed the experience (and met my husband, too!) ? Transitioned to the health insurance arena in 2002 and never looked back. Have...
Thanks for the great replies and info! I just noticed the spell checker changed "U/R" to 'your' in my original message ... LOL. Well, because of the virus his offer is now on hold and may not happen...
Hello, My husband received a job offer from his company that is based in US but has a new location in Ireland. I was looking into applying for approval from NMBI but it states 12 months of practice is...
I'm a MO licensed RN that has worked away from the bedside since 2002. After sitting behind a computer for the past 17 years ... would really like to pursue clinical 'hands on' care again...
Hi, does anyone know if it must be a 'brick & mortar' BSN ... or will online be accepted? Had read this on another message board but not able to find a source to back it up.
Congrats on a successful search! Thanks for sharing all of your research! That is so awesome that they are waiving College Algebra. Economics is not that bad. I really enjoyed it but maybe I'm...
Nope! Not unless you need some door stops. :chuckle Seriously, I never used mine again. I just used an NCLEX review book. If you don't sell them right after the end of the semester, they usually...
The advice "you need a year of Med-Surg" is so outdated! I heard the same thing from almost every one of my nursing instructors. I spent six miserable years in Med-Surg because I listened to them...
If you've been academically dismissed it would seem there has to be some sort of appeals process. I would pursue that with the school first before going down the LPN road. I'd pull out my student...
Thanks, RN007! I did look into the RODP but the out-of-state tuition is pretty high. It looks like a great program, though. I'm originally from Nashville and could stay w/family if I needed to...