
deemalt BSN, RN

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  1. Should I get a nice car as a new LPN/LVN?

    Have a 2001 toyota truck from when I was still a bartender. Paid in full. I could afford a nicer car but it fits all my needs and it's just not so....flashy. That beemer makes a statement for sure...
  2. ABSN at Cal State San Marcos

    Hi, I work at a hospital where the BSN students from UC San Marcos do their clinicals. This is a great program from what I can see. Several of their graduates have been hired by my hospital after...
  3. Oh, family has already started posting signs in room and on door with things like... "Please do not disturb, patient needs rest".
  4. "You were hand-picked for this one", or "They've had about six BMs, so
  5. I think you mean maceration, not laceration - which it may be. It could also be epibole if the wound edges are rolled under which would require sharp debridement or silver
  6. BE CAREFUL on social networks

    I am constantly surprised on this site when people have their photo pop up with their posts! Even if you are a student, you still are dealing with the public during your
  7. When will this knitpicking stop? I'm so sorry, I just can't let this is nitpicking. Don't mean to be picking nits with
  8. wound care certification ?

    Thanks so much for the link! I'm going to get the manual and see how comprehensive it is before dropping more cash on the review. Thanks for your
  9. wound care certification ?

    Have any of you done the review that was given at the last WOC conference? It is $75 for each specialty. You can download it as an MP3 off of the website. I have completed the online course given by...
  10. New grad RNs need proper precepting with staff that is willing, and compensated. We are already so busy. It is not fair to ask RNs to take a full load and take on a preceptee. This movement needs to...
  11. MRSA screening of staff....

    Good luck! We probably all would screen positive. It would be an interesting study but like the previous poster stated, what would be the
  12. Shift differentials?

    $2.80 for weekends, $4.00 for nights. Southern Ca, Union,
  13. It would be cheaper to pay a family member who could be assisted by home health nurse than it is to keep these folks in acute care. TPN feeding seems to be one factor that makes a pt difficult to...
  14. I love being a Satanist nurse. this is where the funny nurses hang! Thanks for the laugh
  15. Funny thing is it is not just "text speak". I saw a post the other day and the person kept saying "of coorifice". This was repeated several times in the post. It may seem like nit picking but it...