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About cupcake25

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  1. 3% NS

    You should always run 3% NSS through a central line. That is the policy at my
  2. IV classification

    Midlines are considered a peripheral IV. You should never run TPN or any vesicants through it. Also you should not draw blood from it. Picc lines are central lines because the tip is in the SVC....
  3. Rude Resident Physician!!

    I was wondering if this doctor is foreign. We have alot of foreign doctors at the hospital where I work and most treat nurses like
  4. What kind of nurse are you?

    That's the thing about nursing. You work your butt off all year and think you are doing a great job and then you get your evaluation and it is not how you feel it should be. I feel alot of it has to...
  5. New IV nurse need help

    Prior to working on the IV team I worked in CCU and I thought I was pretty good at starting IV's. It took me about a good year to really to be able to get the really hard sticks. I say keep at it and...
  6. competencies

    I had a competency that was due this month. I thought that I took it and even checked with my manager and she told me that I took it and that I was ok. Well, come to find out I did not take it and I...
  7. Nurse manager says you can't refuse iv

    I am an IV nurse. When a patient who is mentally competant refuses an IV, I definitely do not put one in. I could get charged with
  8. Qualifications for IV team job?

    I have been working on an IV team for over 11 years. My previous job was working in CCU. When I was hired the only qualification is that you should be a fairly good stick with IV's. I had an 8 hour...
  9. Low Census-Cancelled Shifts-Where Are You Located?

  10. Our census is very low, canceled right and left

    My hospital has been very slow the past few weeks and nurses were put on call. This is the first week where the census has increased. My hospital has a hiring freeze on for new nurses and other...
  11. lazy charge nurses

    Yesterday a nurse working on a med surg floor was so busy that she did not even have time to go to the bathroom and was incontinent of urine. She was very upset. It was after 2 pm until she even had...
  12. I worked nights full time after I graduated from nursing school. I enjoyed it because it was alot less stressful and quieter than day shift. You have no baths, meals,visitors or doctors to deal with....
  13. written up

    Today at work on a med surg floor a seasoned nurse was written up for documenting her pain assessment 3 minutes late. Apparently you have a certain amount of time to document the effectiveness of the...
  14. Does your supervisor give a crap?

    I bet it would be a different story if it was her husband. God forbid she would put on a pair of scrubs and cover you for a few hours. I had a friend who lost both parents in a matter of 2 weeks and...
  15. Do you envy the techs in your hospital?

    Yes, somedays I do envy the techs in my hospitals. I see the x-ray techs come up to the floor and shoot an x-ray. I think to myself that looks like a nice job. The starting pay is more than a new...