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About pamdlaw

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  1. How many residents do you care for Per Shift?

    I also work in LTC/Rehab. I work both 7-3 shift and 11-7 shift. For me, the morning shift is more stressful. I never knew the stress in LTC. I thought it was about the residents but, I don't think it...
  2. MCI LPN Program

    I did pass my boards. I am working in LTC. I'm adjusting to the life as a LPN & I must say I am enjoying it very much. Not in a hurry to get my RN, I want to work for a year and then go back. I...
  3. failed for the 2nd time again. :(

    Sorry to hear u didn't pass. However, stay focused. The PN Exam Cram helped me pass. U made it through school & u will pass the test. You have worked so hard & u can do it!!!!! Step away from...
  4. New LPN, Job Hunting

    I just passed my boards and got my license...I am now a LPN. I worked so hard to accomplish this. I also worked full time while going to school. The journey was long & hard. At times I wanted to...
  5. Glory to God.... I passed my nclex pn !!!!

    Congratulations!!!!! I know that God is good and I am happy to say I passed my PN NCLEX as well. I didn't the first time, but I stayed the course. I didn't give up. Yes, God is sooooo faithful. I am...
  6. Everyone hang in there.. I found out I passed today. I'm in VA..This was my 2nd time..The first I didnt feel prepared, I was nervous and just didn't relax..This time I was relaxed, I studied from...
  7. Took my NCLEX-PN for the first time today

    Everyone will do great...I'm taking the PN test for the second time in 12 days...trying to stay focused...doing Saunders & Exam Cram CD...remain positive...we can do this...if u didn't break...
  8. MCI LPN Program

    Thanks, working on that now. I'm doing 2 chapters a nite and the, i'm gonna stay with the
  9. MCI LPN Program

    The school provided the organe Saunders 3rd edition. I don't know about the yellow book. Am I using the rite book. Going to go by library
  10. MCI LPN Program

    I graduated from MCI NN April 09. Rite now I'm studying for these boards. Didn't pass the first time but, I think I took it too soon.. I was soooo nervous. I think the LPN course is a great course....
  11. nclex

    I know how u feel, I have to take my PN exam again...I don't want to fail...I studied the saunders book and did cd...however, in my case I think I took it to soon. I was trying to be like others and...
  12. Took my NCLEX-PN for the first time today

    Congratulations to all who have passed the NCLEX-PN exam...I took mine on yesterday but, I did not pass. There's a telephone number we can call in VA. I didn't cry and I didn't get upset...(which...
  13. Need Help with studying for NCLEXPN

    Thank u so
  14. I would like to know if there is anyone out there in Va that has passed the NCLEX PN recently. I just graduated on Sat. and I am looking for some direction in studying the test. I am nervous and yet...
  15. 2009 New Grads Post Here!!!!

    oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I graduated on Saturday as well. I was and still am so exicted. Your right, getting ready for the NCLEX now. I wish you all the best of luck & prayers with passing. I'm...