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All Content by HouTx

  1. HouTx


    Truth? The likelihood of actually obtaining an advanced (specialist) job with no nursing experience is very very small. I have no idea who is hiring entry-level NPs, but it's not my organization (we employ a lot of NPs) or any other that I know of...
  2. HouTx

    how to answer this question?

    There is an increasing amount of published evidence which indicates that NP outcomes are equivalent to those of physicians - some small studies have even shown that NPs are better, but these are pretty controversial. With the current climate (repea...
  3. HouTx

    When is it time to leave...?

    Recently, I've found myself involved in some discussions about a related issue... How can we maximize the value of our experienced, highly expert older nurses who are no longer physically able to perform essential job duties. Some of our facilities ...
  4. HouTx

    SBAR Report-Nursing as a 2nd career worth it?

    OP, something in your well-organized and very articulate thread gave me pause... Please do not assume that nursing jobs are associated with great health & retirement benefits. This is far from the truth. Nurses who are covered with union contra...
  5. HouTx

    Should drug diverters be prosecuted?

    There are so many different ethical issues bubbling around in this thread. It's very interesting to see all the divergent opinions. Thanks for sharing. IMHO, the intent of drug diversion needs to be factored in to any decision about consequences....
  6. HouTx

    Accelerated ADN/ASN Vs ABSN

    I think OP may be looking for unicorns. I've never heard of an accelerated ADN. The "accelerated" part of a nursing program is only the clinical stuff. ADN programs are too brief to benefit from accelerating the clinical coursework. Accelerated ...
  7. HouTx

    ER vs Trauma Nurse

    Many top-tier trauma centers have a completely separate service line & staff for trauma, including a separate pathway through the ED. Nurses who work with ED Trauma are frequently required to have TNCC certification and multiple years of experi...
  8. HouTx

    Gave PO contrast too early?

    Although OP is taking ownership, this is a great example of a systemic issue.... lack of clarity in the dosage & admin process. The problem has been identified, now hopefully someone will take responsibility for developing a guideline/protocol th...
  9. HouTx

    Lost stethoscopes

    I feel your pain. I would suggest attaching one of those 'lost item' thingamajigs... There are a bunch of them on Amazon. You can locate the missing object with an app on your cell phone.
  10. HouTx

    Finally Leaving Nursing...For Good!

    OP - I admire your integrity. Rather than continuing to take the path of least resistance - which would undoubtedly result in burnout of nuclear proportions, you're taking responsibility for your own happiness; taking the initiative to make a change...
  11. Your question may have stumped us because you are targeting two very different ends of the health care continuum. Nurses who specialize in wound care are primarily employed in acute/inpatient settings. They deal with ostomies and very challenging s...
  12. HouTx

    Nursing School?

    Hi neighbor! Here are listings of all approved nursing RN & LVN programs in Texas. Take a look and you can see all your options, depending upon how far you are willing to drive. I strongly urge you to avoid commercial (for profit, investor owned)...
  13. HouTx

    Unreasonable professor

    If you are offended by an instructor insisting on correct grammar and punctuation, moving into a much more formal APA-style writing (required for nursing papers) will be an ordeal. Nursing education is a cumulative, integrated curriculum. This mea...
  14. HouTx

    What are clinicals really like?

    OP - have you considered becoming a PA instead? That would allow you to escape all that messy hands-on nursing stuff. Bottom line, it's impossible to enter advanced nursing practice without first achieving competency in basic nursing practice. My ...
  15. HouTx

    How not to get overwhelmed?

    Keep in mind - the number of people who have been successful in your program. It is highly unlikely that they were all smarter than you. If they could do it, so can you. Rinse & Repeat as needed. Talk to a few people in your class who seem to...
  16. AAARRGGHH! Group projects are the worst. Unfortunately, you will be caught in the same morass at each successive level of education - been there, done that. The only positive aspect is - by the time you are in grad school, the "Justin-esque" stude...
  17. HouTx

    Are nurses actually people too???

    LOL - I remember feeling the same way -- back in the Dark Ages when I was a student. I was in absolute, total awe of the ICU nursing staff. I knew I would never ever make it to their exalted level. I was lucky enough to be hired into a Neuro Trau...
  18. HouTx

    Present vs. future advice

    You've got a great Hubs - give him a hug for us. I agree with Hubs - there are no "do-overs" when it comes to family. Babies don't stay that way very long & you'll never get that time back. But, before you finalize any decisions, have you talke...
  19. Are you an LPN? If not, it would not appear that you qualify for the new program. Although Surgical Technology is certainly involved in direct care, it is not equivalent to LPN scope of practice. Wishing you all the best on your career pathway.
  20. Ditto on recommendation for MSN in Public Health. No matter what happens to health care in the US, this is going to be an ongoing need. I would urge caution about shooting for a "research" career. Unless you go into academia, funding for these jobs...
  21. Have you looked at the employment projections for FNPs? They are not so rosy in many areas of the country, particularly now that ACA changes are in question. I tend to agree with your advisors - it's too early in your career to figure out exactly ...
  22. HouTx

    Is this Pay too low for Baylor Scott and white??

    Agree - it's a geographical phenomenon. Statewide variation is market driven. Areas with less supply have to offer higher salaries to support their recruitment needs. Although we're a very big state, the vast (!) majority of nurses are employed in...
  23. HouTx

    No trauma at Parkland emergency dept

    I find it difficult to believe that a Texan, especially someone who is apparently involved in emergency services, did not know what Parkland was - LOL. OP, thanks for the clarification. Most top-tier EDs are very selective when it comes to hiring ...
  24. HouTx


    Critical thinking is not nursing-specific. It is application of logic. I understand OP's frustration, but there may be some level of misunderstanding. Having 'connections' or family in health care does not increase one's chance of admission to n...
  25. HouTx

    Hospitals make people sicker than they have to be

    LOL - I am always amused when a physician "discovers" something that has been around like - forever. He should have taken some time to do a bit of research. For instance, the Planetree healing design concept that has been around for a quite a whi...