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About redwinggirlie

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  1. Pain shots are us, not this nurse!

    Amen to that. Thank you for saying so.... To the OP: When reviewing pain management, don't forget about your patients who are sedated. They have pain management issues as well. Though they can't...
  2. Just want to know your experience with the mortality rate of those with ARDS and what their gender/age was prior to the diagnosis of ARDS. Thank you all for your
  3. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    Merry Christmas everyone. Everyone is safe. Son is with dad. Bro is still in ICU. I am hanging in there. Eat something from a family favorite for me
  4. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    Good news. My son is with his dad and will be spending time there. You all are great. And it's nice to know my family is bigger than I thought it was. Hugs to
  5. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    Thanks, guys. The stress has hit me today a lot. I'm the family doer, planner, mover and shaker. Always have been. Not everyone knows about my son, just a couple of key members of the family. Not...
  6. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    My family thinks otherwise. They say I should stay put. I wish I'd not posted this question as I knew I would receive these answers and all would say to be with my son. There's no easy answer. No easy...
  7. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    My son is 26. I learned about his attempt moments before boarding the plane to come to support my brother. I didn't mean fine like woo hoo! I meant he is alive and not in the hospital. Both need...
  8. Where would you go for two family suicide attempts?

    Sorry, it's been a long week. My question deals with the fact that two members of my family have attempted suicide. I don't live near either of them. My son is fine, but is being distant. My brother...
  9. One is a brother, who is hanging on a thread in the middle of nowhere with no other family around. The other is a son who is fine and is with someone not
  10. Proper way to write title?

    LOL.... You should now add VF for very funny:lol2:
  11. They Think I'm Working Christmas??

    You are already working Christmas. At least in my facility, the night before is a paid holiday as the majority of the hours worked fall on the holiday. Is that not the same elsewhere? Seven hours of...
  12. Waitresses dressed as naughty nurses rile real RNs

    Would that be better than naughty nurses dressed as
  13. Need some advice

    I think it will be the best job you'll ever have. Oh, and the once a burn nurse thing..... well I think I said it above. Nothing will be as good... All the best to
  14. New Grads - Rotten Shifts?

    Well, I have to argue a couple of your points: It depends on what unit you work on whether or not it's a good learning environment at night. Where I've worked my nights we're busy allllllll the time....
  15. Best Underwear to wear under scrubs??
