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All Content by melnq79

  1. what uni did we all go to

    im just curious as to what uni's every one went to or are still attending to. im currently half way through y 1st year at James Cook Uni in Townsville as a full time internal student
  2. i have just completed my first semester of nursing at James Cook uni in australia. I have one fear that i didn't pass one of my subjects cause i didn't do so well on the assingment. I wish that nursing was like it was age's ago you did everything on...
  3. First Year--Gain Weight or Lose Weight?

    im only into my first year at univestity in australia and in the past 6 months i have put on weiht. i think all those study sessions and sweet biscutes have started to creep up on me and not doin any excercise as well donsn't help. but that is going ...
  4. just finished my first semester......

    what i mean is that it was more practical stuff me i sit in mostly lecture rooms and tutorial rooms and have maybe 3 hrs each week of on hands stuff. I think the way they train nurses in Australia is completely different to the way they train in the ...
  5. What's your school's acceptance rate?

    hi, well im actually from australia studing a bacholar's degree in nursing at james cook university. our system is completely diffrent to the one in the states my partner wanted me to transfer myself internationally over there as he lives in Idaho. b...
  6. Nursing student at James Cook Uni Townsville

    hey girls, i know up here at jcu that we have people in the libary who can go through your drafts with you they are learning advisors and they are terrific. i had my first assingment checked by thenm and they reckon i was going on the right path. JC...
  7. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. im a 1st yr Nursing student at James Cook Uni Townsville i was doing some research for an assingment and stumbled on this site. i hope over the next three years this site will be helpfull to me as i plan to travel t...
  8. Nursing student at James Cook Uni Townsville

    thanks i have been doing that as i dont know what needs to be done. but since then i have been doing research and saving sites to my fav's. but i still have to work out what's happening as if i choose to actually live there i have to do test's here i...
  9. Nursing student at James Cook Uni Townsville

    Yeah it's going good. i just got my first assignment looked at by our learning center advisor before i put through safeassignment and hand it in and man is she a great help. i think im either gonna get a pass or a credit but a distiction would top it...