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About 718BrooklynRN

formerly intelligentnurse2be

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  1. Per diem question

    I would look into the policy. I am per diem but I can go to the union representative for clarification. Did you meet your quota for the day in question or did you move cases around? We are allowed to...
  2. Per diem question

    Do you have a union? I'm in NY and we have a union. I have never been asked to do a SOC late in the day only in emergency and then that would be a revisit and someone would do the SOC the next
  3. Winston Salem State University

    I finished the program in Feb 08. Many people including myself had families. It is hectic but definitely doable. Time management is important. You can do
  4. Are you allowed to deliver?

    beckinben, Hello just wondering what state you live? I wonder does that determine the ability to
  5. Question about Phd Programs

    Hello CNMNY, I know this is off topic but I was wondering have you practice as a midwife? This is what my heart wants but I was wondering what are the career options out there? Thanks for any
  6. My license seems like it is taking forever.

    I would call to make sure everything is in order. I kept calling and when I asked to speak to a supervisor it was resolved within 4 hours. My app was dated June 30 and I finally received it on Sept 7....
  7. Ny License By Endorsement!

    You might want to give them a call to see if there is a hold up. There was a snag in mine and until I called and asked for a supervisor it was not going to be handled. I was given the run around. The...
  8. I called today to find out what is going on with my license. They received my application on June 30th. I went through an accelerated program in NC and we finished our course work in Feb and most of...
  9. *:.Advice Needed:RN Newbie in NYC.:*

    I am really nervous. I want to move back to NY to save money (move back home). So as an outsider I may have touble finding something. I have only been a nurse since April and working since May. I...
  10. Winston Salem State University

    I graduted from the accelerated program. Yes they are unorganized but I had a friend who went to UNC's accelerated program and said the same thing. They have a good pass rate. Duke's program is good...
  11. Ny License By Endorsement!

    Hello, I am in NC and have been reading your post. I am a new graduate with no experience. I start work tomorrow. Is it a requirement to have experience before you get a NY endorsement license. I...
  12. Please Help! Accelerated BSN cost

    I finished with an accelerated program and I hate the debt but I am happy to be a nurse. I had to take an extra $20,000 to live off
  13. 50/50...any advice?

    I felt the same way before my test. I woke up early and prayed and before I started my test I prayed. I was cool up to question 25 then started to freak out. I just meditated and refocused. I had...
  14. I took NCLEX TODAY... PASS or FAILED?

    my classmate took it on friday and stopped between 160-167. she passed. the # of quest do not
  15. Conflict of interest between NCSBN & NCLEX

    I feel if it was a one time fee people would not take it as seriously. I know that I am taking it very seriously because I do not want to have to pay again or be one of my classmates that do not make...