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All Content by sid08

  1. Taking NCLEX in 2 days and lost!

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Personally I'm not able to walk away from books, index cards, notes and relax...So I'm just trying to do overall review but not in a crazy way trying to memorize little details I think I should know. I just hav...
  2. Taking NCLEX in 2 days and lost!

    I take my exam in 2 days and have so much to go over BUT can't concentrate to study because I'm too nervous. Does anyone have any advice? I keep thinking what if...I don't know enough, I get questions I don't know, can't think clearly to answer them ...
  3. July NCLEX Takers come on in!

    Thanks for the top 200 drugs links! Pharm is one of my weakest areas and this will be a huge help! I'm also taking NCLEX in July and I'm already nervous!
  4. Took the NCLEX RN on Thursday,and...

    Big congratulations! I hope I pass too. Mine is in July..Best of luck to your nursing career!