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About LPN1974

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  1. Do You Have Male Nurses on your Unit?

    My comments removed...I did not realize this was for L&D or OB GYN only. sorry
  2. Time outs for C sections

    Is it done while the patient is still awake so that they can agree also? Just wondering. Oh, sorry, I didn't see the post above me before I posted my
  3. Drug Testing At Hospitals

    Some nurses on this thread feel it's an invasion of their privacy, but patients have a right to be cared for by drug free nurses and other nurses have a right to work with nurses who are drug free....
  4. Chaperone or not during exam

    Me being female there is no way I would consent to a gyn exam done by a male doctor AND a male nurse. I want a female nurse there for my support. I would be totally too embarrassed. Why would any...
  5. Over-Restaining Patients

    I hope when I get old and in the NH that someone will have pity on me and help me to lay down on my bed instead of making me sit up in a chair all day or have to sit up straight with a thing in front...
  6. Wouldn't you consider this stealing???

    I think what she means is that the thieves try to make her look petty to the other employees. Not petty to us. I was just wondering what the thieves think......."So the OP buys a bulletin board for...
  7. fun with implanted defibrilator....

    The link says page not
  8. What is with the crazy parents?? --vent--

    Is that legal in an
  9. What is with the crazy parents?? --vent--

    I understand what you're saying about all the drama from the parents, but if it were MY baby I'd be very worried, too, being the baby is only 26 days old. I'd be worried the child would go into...
  10. What if the patient is too sick or unresponsive to do codes or passwords? Who is going to take responsibility then, for the patient? Sounds to me like HIPAA could cause
  11. Now I'm not so sure

    To me, the LPN is a very satisfying job. It is just one step on the ladder. You can get your LPN and stop there, or go on for your RN. RN does afford more opportunities, and better pay, but also...
  12. I took boards so long ago before NCLEX even existed. We did it on paper with pencil, marking the answer sheets, and it took 6 weeks to find out I'd passed. In 1974.
  13. LPN role in ACC, and so confused...

    Personally I would go with the hospital position, if I could get it. What is ACC? Is it Advanced Cardiac Care or something like that? Man, if it was, I'd go with that...excuse the pun....in a...
  14. Help Me Save My Clothes

    Try that OxyClean spray for laundry. It got gel ink out of some blue jeans, for
  15. Being made to work as an aide...need advice

    Sounds like the DON is playing favorites, and sorry to say it, but you aren't