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All Content by tris

  1. Wanting to Move to Dallas

    Hi, been quite some time since I have been on here, but, I live in Mesquite and I love it, I work close to downtown, not a bad drive, you get used to it after awhile, moved here from McKinney, nothing there---like someone else said, come visit and lo...
  2. Howdy!!!!!!!

    Hi, I am fairly new to Texas and I live in McKinney, and all I can say is the pay I am making now is much better than where I came from!!! But considering all the years of practice could be better...
  3. Dallas questions?

    Hi, I too live in the DFW area--lots of nice places, I presently live in one of the suburbs--best place as far as I am concerned--summers a bear but we do have AC!!! Good Luck.
  4. Addiction....

    Such a hard thing to deal with---I have had personal experience with this problem---first a brother that never did break free and killed himself at age 44---now I have a 28 year old son coming right along the same path---all I know is it is the harde...
  5. A patient died today. . . .

    I too will try to respond, if I can see through the tears! I think we all have those moments--sometimes it is just more profound than other's. Yes it is sad but you should feel comfort that you were there and you did your best for him---sometimes tha...
  6. I Only Hope

    What a beautiful thing---I too work with a lot of children---most witrh disabilities from birth--it would be wonderful if that were the case with them or even their families.
  7. LPN to RN?

    hi--I too was an LPN first---think it has a few advantages having it and some knowledge for what nursing is--insted of no background knowledge. I agree with someonw before me it is tough with a family and work also but can be done, a lot of determina...
  8. :) Welcome, I too am new here and lurked for a while!! Don't post much except when I find something good!!! I usually just read-- a very imformative and useful place!!!
  9. Nurses with disabilities

    Hi all, My heart reaches out to those of you that are still so young and suffering. I was in an MVA at the age of 17 and have some compression fx's (L4*5). Thank God I do not have any more problems than I do. I have to be careful what I do especially...
  10. Glad I found this spot---I am new in this field--as well as to the greater DFW area so am doubly challenged. I have pretty much always been a hospital nurse, and this is so different. Our program deals with the disabled from birth mostly CP, and thro...
  11. World's Shortest Books

    :roll very funny!!!!
  12. How much do you make?

    Wow such a wide variety of pay: RN 14 years home health 22/hr plus benefits and mileage pay
  13. Stick a fork.....

    Congrats----what an ordeal huh? I remember vaguely when I graduated!!! Good Luck to you---you deserve it.
  14. Male Nurses.

    Wow---what a HOT topic, but I have to agree with Hogan 4736 the Golden Rule----should not matter what your gender is, all of us are human no matter what else we are, and I would like to think we are ALL good nurse's or we wouldn't be doing it for so ...
  15. Results of the new BUTT study are in...

    :imbar, for real! I can't complain in either department, no big butt or husband anymore ----so who is to complain???
  16. Smoking

    Ok, bad as I hate yes I do smoke---not that I like it---but a very bad habit to break---I hate the way it smells , hate dirty ashtrays and do my best for no-one to smell it on me--not to mention the cost and what it is doing to my health, so----hopef...
  17. Im new here!!!

    Hi and welcome, I too am fairly new to this, it is a lot of amusement, I haven't had any cases to deal with either, again Welcome!!:chuckle
  18. Male Nurses.

    I have not had the priveledge of working with many male nurses, but the few that I have worked with have been great. I agree with someone before, personally I could care less what their sex is as long as they are competent in the job they are doing. ...
  19. Hi I'm new and need some inspiration

    Hang in there sweetie---you can do it. I too was in my 30's when I went to school had 2 kids, worked part-time and drove 75 miles one way to school, not to say I had it any worse than others but just to let you know it can be done!! There were severa...
  20. Chinese Proverbs

    :roll , I am laughing to hard!!!
  21. Be Careful Out There

    :imbar ,I probably feel as most of the rest--an infant --who thinks first? In this day and age we should all be more careful, best of luck to all concerned.
  22. Why did you become a nurse

    Some wondeful touching stories, I too have almost always wanted to be a nurse---started out as an aide and just kept going, it has been a great ride, have always worked in the hospitals until my recent move to the DFW area and now I am working in a p...
  23. Who is REALLY GOOD with needles?

    Like most everyone said Practice--Practice--Practice. I too have had patients either scream before you ever touch them or say they didn't feel a thing---so you never know. Just remember we have all been there at one point and lived through it--and so...
  24. I Am Frustrated!!!!

    Hang in there----where I went to school I didn't get in right away--but like someone said things happen and in a few weeks I was called and got in--so keep up the faith --you never know---good luck!!!
  25. newcomer

    Thanks for showing me the proper place(?) to post, like I said earlier I am also a newcomer and have browsed a few times and find it very enjoyable. I look forward to communicating with you!! Thanks, Tris