

Observation Unit

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About jmiarn1029

jmiarn1029 specializes in Observation Unit.

I'm a mother of three who recently graduated from Brookhaven's nursing program on May 16, 2013. I enjoy my children, and I love reading, writing, and learning new information.

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  1. Hello everyone, Im seeking to here from fellow new nurses that can identify with my topic. I am a new nurse with about 3 months experience that work on a fast paced observation unit. I started on this...
  2. HELP!!! Failed NCLEX first time around.

    Hi Amber, I want to apologize and tell you that I understand your situation completely. It sound exactly as my own. I been crying and depressed for the last 2 days. I took boards Monday morning,...
  3. Brookhaven Fall 2012

  4. Brookhaven Fall 2012

    Saunders Comprehensive Review NCLEX-RN examination is a really good book, it contains a lot of information. A lot of people in my class use it. I would start with that one. Whenever you all have...
  5. Brookhaven Fall 2012

    Congrats to those of you who got accepted, I am so happy for you all!!! I'm in 1st semester at BH, and I would like to advise you all to get your Fundamentals textbook (mentioned in an earlier post)...
  6. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    I just sent my
  7. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Hi ladies, my excitement is still here. Finally, I get to enjoy this weekend. I been working 12 hours shifts at the hospital since Tuesday, and so I have been very exhausted. I'm ready to unwind. I...
  8. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Congrats to my fellow nursing program classmates!!! I'm ready for it all or am I : / One thing's for sure, I definitely have to save
  9. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    You guys, I'm about to faint, I received my email!!!! I made it
  10. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    I agree with you sugarmag, I honestly think we're already in. I don't even want to think negative at this point. From my experiences, those rejected get the news sooner than those who are based on the...
  11. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Lol, I agree with you guys. Does anyone know if emails are sent out to those rejected? This may be a silly question, but I am curious. Is delayed news kind of like good news? I mean seriously, can it...
  12. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Sound like me, every time I notice I have an email, my heart beats a mile a minute only for me to discover its not "that" email. This is about to drive me crazy. Four more days to
  13. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Sounds like a good book, I may have to check that out on Amazon. Maybe today will be the big day. I sure hope so.
  14. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Hi guys, I'm back. My kids, work, and assignments have kept me busy. I so hope they let us know something before Friday. I have been a nervous wreck, trying not to think about the whole interview...
  15. Brookhaven Nursing Program 2012 Class

    Oh ok. Well, I hope we find out if we are accepted or not before the 11th. I'm not sure what to think anymore, but I do hope I get