xoemmylouox ASN, RN

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About xoemmylouox

xoemmylouox has 13 years experience as a ASN, RN.

Happily married ~ most days anyway ~ to my high school sweetheart. We have 2 very busy, stubborn, and opinionated kiddos (I don't know where they get that from, lol) and a four legged fur baby.

Latest Activity

  1. xoemmylouox

    No Order

    At the hospital I work at we have a nursing judgment protocol that allows us to bladder scan & straight cath a full 24hr for retention (or sx of) before we need an order. Perhaps that is something...
  2. xoemmylouox

    How do you get called in?

    I get that they are trying to find the fastest solution, but I don't think it's actually doing anyone any good. I would NEVER rely on a text message to call someone in. Our house supervisors will send...
  3. xoemmylouox

    How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I keep hearing about the wait times in other countries. My question is how many Americans simply just go without care because they can't afford it? How many don't address their health concerns, or...
  4. xoemmylouox

    How I Made $93,000 My First Year of Nursing

    That's great. I wish more places paid like this, but we also have to keep in mind cost of living expenses. Kudos to you and keep rocking it out. Save some for the future and enjoy your time
  5. xoemmylouox

    Rapid response in the clinic

    We have different codes. We have the usual code "blue", but we have a specific code "white" for those times a patient passes out, has a vagal, etc. We have a specific team that responds, and there are...
  6. xoemmylouox

    Pyxis Problems

    We don't have a med room. Most of our pyxis machines are in main hallways so there is no hiding from patients. They can walk right up to you and demand their meds.. It's super convenient for them to...
  7. xoemmylouox

    BLS renewal—ouch

    We recently had a code at work. There was 5 of us that rotated for compressions. We did compressions for about 45 minutes before they pronounced the poor guy. It was awful. I was sore for like 3 days....
  8. xoemmylouox

    A statistical death

    Sounds like it's time to find a new employer. Most places are going with bare bones staffing, but some places are worse than
  9. xoemmylouox

    Is it a bad idea to return to the hospital?

    I would wait until this summer when you aren't working your school job. This will give you time to go through orientation, training, and get some hands on job experience. I would go for a PRN position...
  10. I would see what they say during your 2nd interview. I would also let them know when/if you get the other offer. Perhaps this will speed up their several week waiting period. The hiring process for...
  11. xoemmylouox

    Flyin' high in April, Shot down in May

    We all make those mistakes. That's something we have to keep in mind when others commit similar
  12. Stick with your current job. It (hopefully) pays you well. You should have a decent career ladder if you are looking to move up. Volunteer if you want to add purpose to your life. You can volunteer at...
  13. xoemmylouox


    That doesn't make sense. The thickness of the formula does not prevent orders being written. What is more likely is that they are not sure how at what rate your patient will tolerate this thicker...
  14. xoemmylouox

    Force to change unit in the middle of shift

    This is fairly common in most facilities (acute and LTC). It make not be what everyone loves, but it is a way of addressing changing staff
  15. xoemmylouox

    Holiday Bonus

    As mentioned in a previous post - my PRN job eliminated several positions for the holidays.. meanwhile they are buying up and joining with everyone they can. My full time job typically gives a $100...