mommy.19 MSN, RN, APRN

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About mommy.19

mommy.19 has 7 years experience as a MSN, RN, APRN.

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  1. mommy.19

    Surgical Nurse Practitioner best route

    I'm a little late to the game, but figured I would tell my story. I graduated in 2010 with my BSN, and started working at a hospital outpatient wound center staffed by a group of surgeons/podiatrists,...
  2. mommy.19

    NP in the OR

    I'm an APRN-CNS and will be accepting a position with a surgical group who is paying for my formal RNFA training in order to become certified and bill for my services. Teaching hospitals are the only...
  3. mommy.19

    My NCLEX Experience 7/6/2016

    Sending good vibes! I crawled these forums for weeks before testing. Fast forward 6 years and I just took APRN boards. These certification exams are the WEIRDEST tests ever! Make sure and post as soon...
  4. mommy.19

    CNS title Here is a list of CNS title protection by state, in case you were curious! I too run into individuals with the title "Clinical Nurse Specialist", who...
  5. My program was ranked one of the highest in the nation among nursing programs, and we are CCNE accredited :) Our faculty make site visits and discuss our progress with our
  6. mommy.19

    Can NP's perform surgery legally?

    APRNs can be first assists, and even bill insurance. The FA training specially for APRNs can usually help outline the specific issues to your state of
  7. mommy.19

    What to ask for in a job interview?

    I appreciate this input, and agree it is so important to discuss the must crucial aspects of the position other than compensation. I have already discussed these very important issues at length, since...
  8. My MSN-CNS program has a list of preceptors that have agreed to assist students in the past, but the student is responsible for seeking his or her own mentors in the fields they desire (within their...
  9. Any rapidfire tips on what to clarify or ask for in a job interview for an APRN being hired on salary by a hospital? (Clinical Nurse Specialist specifically). I would likely be doing direct care as...
  10. I understand the history of the white coat, but due to spread of nosocomial infection, and the disgusting nature of sleeves alone, I do not wear one. In my MSN/APRN CNS program, we are allowed to wear...
  11. mommy.19

    Wound care NPs?

    The consensus model for APRN licensure has made it to where all APRNs are educated and certified in a population (check out for more info). For example, I'm in an adult/gero CNS program and...
  12. mommy.19

    Regarding Heel Ulcers Without Eschar

    The suggestion of changing the dressing up to 4 times daily is not supported by literature or current knowledge of moist wound healing principles. I would advise against
  13. This is what the consensus model and LACE (licensure, accreditation, certification, and education) will regulate and standardize across the
  14. Nursing is only one sphere of CNS practice. To give the least complex explanation, I would Google 'CNS 3 spheres of influence'-patient, nurse, and system. This will explain that as one of the 4 types...
  15. OP: My best suggestions is to shadow a few individuals in the progressional roles you are considering, to obtain the most objective