
barefootlady ADN, RN

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About barefootlady

wife,mother,grndmother, greatdrandmother, sister

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  1. No, paychecks are not right, have to watch every shift is actually clocked in on clock. Was shorted 24 hours, they wanted me to wait for pay until next pay period, I told them I had bills, I had done...
  2. We had a terrible winter, several times the roads were closed, staff stuck. Not one time did the DON say "thanks for the effort", or come in when she could get there and help out. Work short of...
  3. Anyone work at St. Joseph's Hospital in Parkersburg?

    HCA with all the
  4. Sorry to have caused flak about the "gossip" remark, but we see ads for Pa, DC, and Md in a few of our state newspapers, so when they say "new grads welcome", I think they mean
  5. Most DON's/ADON's I have had contact with are a waste of time when it comes to support for staff. They paste a fake smile on their face, listen to half truths, and then do what ever is easy for them,...
  6. Jobless, You have my best wishes and prayers for a job soon. I have teachers in the family who are jobless because they do not have 3 years experience, but you just have to keep looking. Have you...
  7. Military hiring nurses as civilian employees

    Had a friend who worked for the Navy in NC for about three years. She did it to get on her feet after a nasty, totally devastating divorce. She was not in love with the job, it was her extra one,...
  8. LTC-Is it that bad???

    LTC is no picnic. You have to have a strong back and strong resolve to remain in LTC for an extended period of time. Good
  9. North Carolina Roll Call

    The hard work will pay off in the end. Do all you can do to go to school and become a nurse. Jobs may be tighter right now but they are still there and the money makes it worth it most days. Good...
  10. Omnicare Pharmacy-discuss

    Let's see just how many fax confirmations does it take to get the drug/drugs ordered/reordered? I have personally counted an even dozen on simple med as digoxin. Omnicare is the
  11. Conflict of Interest

    The conflict would be your ability to fullfill the obligation to another place of employment if there was a problem with staffing or other emergency at your main job. If you need extra money, maybe...
  12. Need some encouragement

    I am so sorry for this unfair situation. I understand why you feel limited in your options. Living in a rural area has these draw backs. I agree with the advice of others, keep records of other...
  13. Hey, New Grad!!!!

    Mr Bill, Best of luck. I know after all the hard work you have put in you will obtain that prize. Enjoy the new job and all the new things you will learn. Once again, congrats and blessings to
  14. Taking one for the team...ugh

    You are just experiencing what often happens when you are a strong nurse. Does that seem fair, no. Should the assignment be split, yes. Now in real life, we do the job, often get the short end and...
  15. Not looking forward to new job...

    Be glad for the job. So many people need one right now. If it is too hot in the room, or you feel like a break is needed, speak up. Patient safety, policy of facility, and general "how to's" are...