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All Content by determined2doit

  1. "working" when you're off...

    Giiiiiiiiiiirl relax, relate, release! You are too funny! Talking bout some "go to hades"! LOL! Now you know that AN can be a bit much, but EVERYONE is only trying to help. Even those that seem "judgmental". Besides, we all need haters! It's the only...
  2. does anyone regret this career?

    Doing it for God is not always easy...but worth it in the end! Thanks for sharing.
  3. does anyone regret this career?

    lol!!! Good one Mazy!
  4. does anyone regret this career?

    OP, I understand how it can be your first year. My first 6months was so devasting, frustrating, agrivating, etc. :mad:I used to go home and cry, better yet, most of the time I never made it home, used to lock myself in the bathroom and bawl my eyes o...
  5. Can someone "dumb down" what Obamacare really means?

    "Uggghhh....not to pick on you, but I am tired of hearing that the ACA "may not be perfect.....", and that "at least he (Obama) is trying" (which is debateable), or that it is "better then nothing". To me it's like 200 people are stuck on an island, ...
  6. Can someone "dumb down" what Obamacare really means?

    Hancock330, thank you so much for your clarification, dedication, and response to the op. I can certainly sense your passion, and drive not only for the career of Nursing which you have so lovingly dedicated 40 years to, but your eagerness for overal...
  7. Okay, here is the scenario. My nurse manager has "retired" shall we say and her position needs to be filled. Well, I threw my hat in the ring, thought that would be a good idea considering that I have experience and BSN. What the hay, may as well giv...
  8. Lacking Conflict Resolution and Delegation Skills...Really?

    "the internet doesn't have the benefit of body language, facial expressions, etc. what is often perceived as "the typical attack" is often merely a well-meaning but direct response that lacks sugar coating. your response to the replies you got was, h...
  9. Lacking Conflict Resolution and Delegation Skills...Really?

    Once again, I thank everyone for their comments...have a blessed one!
  10. Lacking Conflict Resolution and Delegation Skills...Really?

    Just a quick update, not ALL the LPN's/Techs are disrespectful in terms of heeding to delegation...not all, just wanted to provide that clarification for those who are still a bit nebulous, afterall LPN stands for "Love Produced Naturally";)
  11. Lacking Conflict Resolution and Delegation Skills...Really?

    Let me first thank everyone for their replies, albeit, some are very short, curt, and a bit disrespectful. Nevertheless, I did ask for ALL comments, so that's what I get. Please understand that this was a mere vent, that is all. What doesn't suprise ...
  12. heartbroken needed to vent

    OP, I am so sorry that you had to go thru what you went thru, but the truth is...we all had to go thru the valley to get to the mountain top. I know that I had the same experience and so have many, many, others. Its unfortunate but it happens all the...
  13. Looking for help finding PHN Job any suggestions?

    Update#2: I have just submitted an additonal app for a PH position which is closer to where I live. The good thing about this is that, someone that I currently work with knows the DON and can put in a good word for me. Now if this one offers me a pos...
  14. Hi Everyone, I love nursing. What I like most about it, is the ability to be an advocate for those who don't have anyone, or few people who care. I also enjoy patient eduation. Currently, I'm working as a Correctional Nurse which offers a load of cha...
  15. Things you'd LOVE to tell coworkers...and get away with it!

    Thanks for this thread, it really helps! Here goes: Excuse me, I KNOW you are a super nurse, and I KNOW you know how to do EVERYTHING all by yourself, but do you mind if a little pion like myself help? Oh his bs is 46 and you send him to me? How nice...
  16. No need to be upset at the truth! Change careers

    I for one must state that this is a second career for me and I absolutely love it! Does the staff I work with stink? You betcha! But not all of them. I have to concentrate on the beautiful staff that make my job, career, enjoyable. Besides, as a Chri...
  17. Does the board of nursing over ride union?

    Hi fellow nurses, I have a question. Does the board of nursing over ride union specifics? Here is the scenario: A Psyche nurse for a particular instituion, not necessarily a psych hosp, or specifically a psyche institution, but they have an "area" c...
  18. Does the board of nursing over ride union?

    Thank you Ultra for your comments, very helpful. As for Tewdles. Really?
  19. Looking for help finding PHN Job any suggestions?

    Update: I got the job! However, I'm not going to be able to accept it. The compensation package is so low I would have to move to a rooming house to do it! :eek:The annual salary offered was $55,800 that would be HUGE paycut! No can do. :nono:Oh well...
  20. Looking for help finding PHN Job any suggestions?

    Hey Gang. Just want to give a quick thanks for all your prayers, kind thoughts, and support. I had an interview today at a Neighborhood Health Center. It looks very good. Wish me luck!:)
  21. A Graduate Nurse _swears that they know EVERYTHING and they have the LATEST evidence based practice_. An experienced nurse knows that they can NEVER do nursing alone and needs to remain open minded with EVERYTHING in order to apply evidence based pra...
  22. You Know You're A Nurse If...

    You know you're a nurse when you discover that MEN get UTI from not voiding when needed! You know you're a nurse when your sisters ALWAYS call to tell you their lab results, BM's, aches pains, and ask you a million questions, and you gently answer al...
  23. Looking for help finding PHN Job any suggestions?

    Hi Chesscrp & Degalrn, Thanks for your suggestions! Btw, I have a BSN. I will look into your suggestions and keep you posted.
  24. Happy Nurses Week Cards...

    My nurse manager made some rockin coconut, chocolate, graham cracker squares! My Regional nurse manager also made some snacks and salad. We also got a Whistle! Yeah! Oh by the way I work in a prison. LOL!
  25. Have you ever felt defeated?

    Defeated? Yes sometimes I feel defeated. But here's what I did when I was searching for a job, (this is a second career for me also). I had a congrats party for getting a job. I invited all my friends, had plenty of food( Love to cook and eat!) and a...