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All Content by CNAinNeb

  1. All of my residents at work love me, they consistently tell me I am a wonderful "tech" as they call us at work. That is- with the exception of one resident. We are supposed to answer lights within 10 min, but we have been so short-staffed lately, tha...
  2. Causes Of The Nursing Shortage

    Most nurses choose their career because they want to help people. They feel it is emotionally draining when they can't provide adequate care due to poor staffing. The **** hits the fan, they give up, and leave the profession or go in to management. J...
  3. Is it necessary to be a CNA b4 nursing school?

    Did your advisor cite a specific reason for this advice? Did she think it would make you lose focus, get frustrated, what? I'm not doubting this statement, I just found it interesting and wondered. I'm sure a job shadow would do a student a world of ...
  4. Is it necessary to be a CNA b4 nursing school?

    I think it is a good choice to work as a CNA. You get a better understanding of what nurses do, and will gain a good bedside manner. It also looks good on applications, and pays better than fast food. I would go for it, some schools require at least ...
  5. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    I am considering this, but I think CPS would have a difficult time gathering evidence. I really have no proof of any of this, other than scarring on my eardrums from not getting adequate care, I don't think that alone is enough to build a case. It wo...
  6. Do hospitals use medication aides?

    Its up to 40 hours now, apparently they cover over 200 meds in that period. It still doesn't seem like much time though. I feel more prepared though, because I have already taken med-pharm.
  7. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    Mulan- Ok, I'll clarify, b/c there were some typos in that post that made it not make sense. I had all the basic classes like a&p and english, etc. done. I had taken so many pre-reqs for so many schools that I had gen eds completed and was at th...
  8. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    I'm not looking from any financial support from them- I am too old for that. I just want a sense of normalcy. It kills me when I see residents' family visit. They just seem so normal and accepting. We can't even fake normal.
  9. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    Just to clarify things- he didn't drop me off to be homeless- I found a job that same day and got to come home after only a day putting in applications.
  10. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    Why is it not believable? I do have a BS, which I got b/c and degree BSN's were less competitive, and it was a degree I could complete in a year to put in another app, with no success. A BS in speech path is useless w/o a MS, so I am back at square o...
  11. I'm having a panic attack! I need some support!

    I'm not living with them, I moved 500 miles away, but I keep answering their phone calls and I know I shoudn't.
  12. I am already a CNA in a nursing home, but would like to get certified in plebotomy. I think this might help my chances of getting a job in a hospital. Can someone be both a CNA and a plebotomist in a hospital? Would I be stuck in the lab in the lab ...
  13. First semester in PNE school

    If you are worried about being able to find a job in education, study an area in education that there is a shortage in. I have never heard of a school not begging for special education, speech therapists, or science teachers. I hope you find your way...
  14. 1st job - Med Nurse

    That seems like it would be really repetitive and emotionally draining to not be challenged with any variety. Just passing meds would seem to get real old real quick. But what do I know? I'm a CNA.
  15. LTAC (Long Term Acute Care) facility?

    Does anyone know if there are facilities like this around Omaha, NE or Council Bluffs, IA?
  16. How do you convice elderly people of certain things?

    I have enough trouble trying to convince some residents that they are in fact already in bed when they ask to be put in bed, I wouldn't even attempt to argue with them (or my 95 y/o grandmother) about syrup. I say, pick your battles- if it hasn't ki...
  17. I know these career schools crank out MA's like nobody's business, but I am wondering if it would be possible to be hired as an MA just with on the job training. I have a BA degree in another area that I am not using, have a CNA certificate, and have...
  18. I didn't post this in the CNA section, because I don't usually get many responses there, plus I wanted to hear from nurses, not just CNA's. Anyhow, I work in long term-care now as a CNA. I want to transfer to the hospital because I think the exposure...
  19. Perhaps I am biased because I am a CNA myself, but I feel that work experience should get a little heavier weight on nursing school applications than it does. I agree grades should play a large part, but I sincerly feel that actually working as a CNA...
  20. What do hospitals look for in CNA applicants?

    Thank you so much for your advice. Congrats on that job! I would seriously like to hear how your first day went.
  21. I don't have children and am not yet a nurse, but I can't help but wonder what people do for daycare when they work these long hours. Even our hospital daycare operate 6:30-6:30, most others have similar hours of operation and are not open on weekend...
  22. I am a CNA in a nursing home, where LPN and RN students often do clinical. I hate to be the CNA that tells more educated people how to do thier jobs, but this one really got on my nerves. They have one patient to do total care and meds for every day ...
  23. Should I say something to this student?

    exactly my thoughts! thank you for the encouragement.
  24. Would it be silly to get an LPN when I already have a BS?

    I'm in the same boat as you- having to do repeats on science courses. I got all A's and B's the first time around, so I certainly hope they don't dock my GPA .33 like they did you. Gosh!
  25. It really depends on if you are willing to completely quit working for the duration of an accelerated program. If you are willing to bite the bullet, and quit working, go for the accel BSN. An ADN would allow you to work, but might take you longer to...