smn2010 BSN, RN

Psychiatric Nurse

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About smn2010

smn2010 has 15 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Psychiatric Nurse.

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  1. If you have an interest in psychiatric nursing..... Apply with the Commonwealth of Virginia (State of Virginia). Eastern State Hospital (ESH) in Williamsburg, Virginia is hiring!!! Disregard the...
  2. The plans for this facility are constantly changing.... They now have plans to build housing on the property!!!! Old building will be demolished and replaced with new housing to allow the patients...
  3. * pay: the pay should have be listed within the job description you applied for. if not, look at another rn (or lpn) position with the state (same city) and you may see a salary range. if you...
  4. $1200 month is doable. check craigslist. it will give you an idea of what's out there (search for newport news) in the apts/home rental section. don't limit yourself to just newport news. for...
  5. smn2010

    RN salary in Albuquerque

    just a suggestion.... ...if you are not sure of what an appropriate pay scale/amount is for your years of experience/background, you should always turn the question back around to the interviewer and...
  6. smn2010

    New to Virginia Beach, VA RN

    try sending an exploratory cover letter directly to the director of nursing (don) at long term care (ltc) facilities in the area. i know that kindred is always hiring. they have several facilities...
  7. smn2010

    When does it get better!?

    There are many patient report sheets and other docs that can be found within AllNurses. There was a post where nurses provided copies of what they were using on their unit. They have a specific name...
  8. smn2010

    RN Virginia salary

    dee tonia is so, so right about sentara and the tidewater/hampton roads area. no money for rns here in the sentara system, unless you work straight weekends and garner the $9 per hour shift...
  9. smn2010

    New Grad Needs HELP!

    consider apply for positions in areas that may have been your third, fourth, fifth option. i.e. if you've been applying to hospitals (med/surg, progressive care units), consider skilled units of...
  10. smn2010

    Travel Nursing Basic Info?

    i agree with nedrn. it's good that you feel that travel nursing is something you might be interested in; however, it is not something you get into "just for the great money." most travel agencies...
  11. smn2010

    Not in new grad - what options now?

    So, so sorry everyone! I completely overlook Australia/New Zeland in the original post. It's a shame your orientation is so minimal where you all are..if you can even call it "minimal" since...
  12. smn2010

    Not in new grad - what options now?

    I think you are doing yourself disservice by not applying for RN positions. Orientation for new graduates is usually 12 weeks. This is enough time for you to get your feet week and be ready to get...
  13. i suggest: * change your font to times new roman, it will look more professional. * not sure why you used a table format. removing the table format allows for more spacing on the page. * not...
  14. IKnowYouRider: Thanks for your comment. My intent is NOT to anger anyone. As I stated, I was playing devil's advocate. :) Everyone needs to keep in mind that the outward skills/abilities that...
  15. smn2010

    Need Help With First Offer

    Sambo: Don't know if you saw this in another link; but another poster provided it to assist with those who are new/curious about Travel Nursing: Travel Nurse Help | Hospital Information for Travel...