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About Mithrah

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  1. Per Diem/PRN pay national comparison

    While I am not technically called PRN, that's basically what I am. I get no benefits. No healthcare, no PTO, no sick or vacation, and I could get 401k but I am not signed up. I'm part time and work...
  2. new drug-Avastin for ROP

    We ship out our babies to another unit to have the eye injections. I read that it is cheap. Only $40. Here is an excellent article that I found very informative:...
  3. Octuplets

    I think that this woman may be able to afford her kids after all. There is a book deal and TV deal in the works. And I am sure she'll make millions from it. They say now it takes $300,000 to raise...
  4. Alarm limits and ROP

    I see quite a bit of ROP in the unit I work in. More than there should be I think. Just wondering if it is because of our narrow alarm limits. Our alarms are set 88-93%. As you know babies are...
  5. Octuplets

    Now she has to pay for 14 kids! Was this IVF or fertility drugs? What do you think and
  6. I think the best thing you can do is go to the school library and borrow NCLEX review books. Read as many questions and answers as you can. Practice practice practice. You'll learn block 3 stuff...
  7. Reporting other nurses

    It sounds like you are a great nurse! Don't let it get you down. Many facilities actually enjoy picking on the travelers. As long as you provide safe, quality care to your patients who cares about...
  8. Working in new NICU unit

    Hi everyone, I just started a new job in a NICU and find this NICU very different from the other 4 I have worked in. I just want to cover some things I see in this unit and then you tell me what your...
  9. I applied for my NY license back in late Feb./early March and here it is June already and I don't have it. Does anyone know how long it usually takes? I looked on the website to call, but couldn't...
  10. Soft Scrubs

    I like the brand S.C.R.U.B.S. They are very soft. Check out
  11. Tele travel in Phoenix...

    I used to live in Phoenix and all those hospitals are pretty good. I can't say a bad thing about any of them. My friend used to work tele at Osborn and liked it. Scottsdale would be the best place...
  12. Name a NICU product you couldn't do without

    There are a lot of really great NICU products. I especially love the Neosuckers. My last job didn't have them, and when my patient needed to be suctioned it was never effective or sufficient. Now...
  13. A question for some research we are doing

    I have seen Cyclomydril drops given 3 times with 5 min. inbetween. Then 1 drop q hour until Dr. arrives. Also seen Cyclomydril given 2 times with 10 min. inbetween. I think this is an eye doctor's...
  14. question about salary in the US

    I wonder who quoted you $24/hour because that is quite low for San Diego. I was making $24/hour in Orange County (just N. of San Diego) a year ago. But remember, in CA, anything over 8 hours is time...
  15. Ever do a flu shot clinic?

    I did this last year and what a waste of my time for only $16/hour. Maxim was the company I worked for, and yes, they do pay very poorly. I did it more for "fun" and to get out there for the...