anh06005 MSN, APRN, NP

Cardiac, Home Health, Primary Care


All Content by anh06005

  1. anh06005

    Patients safety attendant sitter

    It really depends on the patient. When I was a tech I'd sometimes be a sitter. If they were sedated it wasn't a big deal. I'd watch what was on the tv and do my charting. If it was a wild patient you may get tired of reminding them who, what, when, w...
  2. anh06005

    Calling in for death of a loved one.

    I know you have your answer now but I'd recommend call in as well (I'm chiming in for other readers that may come along and find this in a search). Recently had a co worker lose a grandparent and they did NOT call in and, well, patients knew they we...
  3. anh06005

    Co-workers mad that you're going to school

    Depending on their tone they may not be mad but just hate to see you go. Take it as a compliment. You still have to do what you need to do. They can't make you stay of course. If someone around me had a new job I might joke too and say "nope. Not go...
  4. anh06005

    SIlly question

    Naughty naughty surgeons! I totally understand why, though.
  5. anh06005

    SIlly question

    Oh and I know no snacks or drinks in the OR....just FYI
  6. anh06005

    SIlly question

    I've wondered this before. What about snacks or drinks during those horribly long cases? Does someone just stay in the OR and watch the patient? Does anesthesia have a backup? I only had one day in OR in school and it wasn't great.
  7. Contact your school! They should want you to do well. Maybe they can help you out with a study plan.
  8. anh06005

    Do pharma reps target you??

    A little off topic but not really: Those of you who hate sales how do you go car shopping? I want to just go and get in different models and look at everything. If I want to test drive I know someone has to go with me. How do you make them not hover...
  9. anh06005

    Why are you a nurse and not a doctor?

    Just curious but what are your reasons? Med school is very competitive as well and given your past posts your undergrad GPA may not be the most competitive out there. I'm a nurse because I love the medical field. I considered MD but did not like the...
  10. anh06005

    Who is working while completing NP?

    I went to school part time. It took 4.5 years. I worked full time for the first 3 years or so until clinicals started then dropped to part time. Finally a weekend option opened up my last 9 months or so and it worked out awesome that way. Most clini...
  11. anh06005

    Covering physicians

    I won't refill any meds for a patient who hasn't been seen for a year or more. Thankfully my MD's don't do much in terms of chronic controlled substances. If I don't feel comfortable refilling it I say they need to wait until the doctor returns. If ...
  12. anh06005

    Do pharma reps target you??

    I have worked at 3 clinics under the same hospital and each are VERY different. At one - I am there with 5 docs. They often get lunch but I could usually sneak in and out for food without hearing the reps speech. Another I am there with a PA and a M...
  13. anh06005

    UALR or UAMS?

    Pre reqs for ULAR: Curriculum - Department of Nursing I went to UCA so can't really comment lol. But I was able to work some during nursing school. When I was a SNT (student nurse tech) at the VA during school the pay was better than anywhere else an...
  14. anh06005

    FNP social anxiety

    So I hate people overall. I really do. I hate groups of people and even my closest friends and family are only welcome for so long in my house. I'm really more of an introvert but I do have anxiety that is worse in social situations. When I am at my...
  15. anh06005

    Losing focus! Help!

    Since you're familiar with the information already make sure to really delve into topics. Really review the anatomy and physiology, know the pharm forwards and backwards. You have a leg up so take advantage of it to focus on things that you may not ...
  16. anh06005


    Currently I agree with you that we are a service industry BUT I do not think we should be. We provide healthcare which is a service but we have patients not customers. In my area there are some surgeons who are nice guys to talk to but I wouldn't wa...
  17. anh06005

    So can i loose my certificate and or be jailed??

    Only advice would be to be an adult about walking out next time. Give your 2 weeks notice so you don't burn bridges or at the VERY least make it clear that you are not coming back. It is possible you may face some discipline from whoever certifies C...
  18. anh06005


    Will the higher ups ever come to terms with the fact that nurses and healthcare personnel are NOT in the customer service industry? We are not sales people. We are here to make sure people are safe and get better or allow them to die with their famil...
  19. anh06005

    Don't be an idiot.....

    12 Stupid Pictures That Got Healthcare Professionals Fired - Listgur
  20. anh06005

    Pa if you could go back and do it over?

    It'd be a tough choice for me. I'd still do BSN for sure because I love the nursing background. As for a masters program if it was the same cost as my NP program I'd have to really mull it over. I love the nursing background but I'd have enjoyed the...
  21. anh06005


    There seems to be a general concensus that there is no right job or wrong job to prepare you for FNP. Each job and area provides a different skill set and knowledge base for NP school.
  22. anh06005

    Strange requests from patients

    Just the other day a patient asked for Keflex.....30 days worth. Had a middle aged woman ask when women get hysterectomies. After a short conversation it turns out she thought every woman got one at a certain age.
  23. anh06005

    Dumbest thing a doctor has done/said to you

    Oh and the guy was on the younger side. If he had been frail and elderly likely would have been handled differently.
  24. anh06005

    Dumbest thing a doctor has done/said to you

    I've never been an ICU nurse so haven't had those situations (and hope I never caused one lol). I think now that residents and hospitalists stay all night the patient may have gotten intubated during this incident. At the time, though, on nights only...
  25. anh06005

    Dumbest thing a doctor has done/said to you

    Lol. Guys oxygenation was a bit more important in the moment so we went with it.