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All Content by BethT

  1. Hi, I have a question-- I have heard that you can get a bachelors degree in just about anything (does not have to be nursing) and can still apply for a nursing masters program? Has anyone ever heard...
  2. Holmes CC Ridgeland, MS

    Is anyone else going to Holmes Community College in Ridgeland,
  3. No more sciences! Anyone else?

    I'm all done too. The only ones I had were A&P I and II and Microbiology and I just finished Micro last semester!! Thank goodness. I was so nervous in my Micro class, that first week I thought for...
  4. LPN pay versus RN pay in AR?

    That is so crazy how the pay for LPN's can fluctuate. I've heard in AR LPN's make 10-12 per hour. If that is true it is pointless to get an LPN then RN, for me
  5. Hopefully my husband and I will be moving back to AR at the end of the year and I will finally get to start nursing school! Can anyone suggest a good place to live, or areas that would be ok. I am not...
  6. winters in wyoming

    My husband and I are considering a move to Wyo. this winter. I have several questions, one of the more important....what's the winter like? I am from the south and we don't even see snow down here...
  7. decent place to live in little rock

    Thanks for the response guys. I think I may have talked my husband into buying a home instead of renting (keeping my fingers crossed!). Nothing too fancy, keeping the mortgage around 700-800 per...
  8. maybe not nursing..

    Hi guys, Maybe there are others out there who may be changing careers are having some of the same fears as me. Here's hoping.. I am in a very stressful career now that I am trying to get out of. Ever...
  9. Anyone watching

    I watched it, it was very moving! I cried through the whole thing! This is the second time I have ever watched
  10. winters in wyoming

    My husband didn't get in. He can retry in August if he wants, but he isn't sure if he wants to. I think his pride is a little hurt, so we will see. We drove up to Laramie from Cheyenne and the drive...
  11. Pre-nursing student excited but with concerns

    I hope to be working as a CNA or Unit Secretary pt if I can find something once I get in, maybe you should try something like that if it gets to looking like you are going to need some extra income to...
  12. Usually positive, a little down

    I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's wreck, but thank goodness she was ok! She was lucky. Perhaps this little fender bender will help keep her eyes open to the things that could possibly happen out...
  13. LPN pay versus RN pay in AR?

    I am trying to decide whether to get my LPN first or go straight for my RN due to financial reasons. It is so crazy that LPN's with no exp are making 19 and a new grad RN is roughly the same. I'm...
  14. maybe not nursing..

    Yeah, I think I am definately think I am going to try that. I come from one of those "not so supportive" families that are constantly telling me that it's not right for me, so I'm sure that has...
  15. Baptist or UALR Arkansas

    What is a typical schedule for UALR? I noticed that you said you were in class/clincals 3-4 days a week, so I am just curious what it's like. I will be applying next
  16. wyoming....continued...

    As I'm sure you know, my husband and I are looking to move to Wyoming. My husband goes for his interview March 7th (wish us luck!) At that time, if accepted we will be given a list of places that have...
  17. wyoming....continued...

    Also, are there alot of places that offer training for a certain commitment time? Any places I should avoid (those of you that live in college
  18. winters in wyoming

    Thanks so much for the reassurance! Where exactly is Uinta County, what towns are close
  19. winters in wyoming

    are there any good places to work in sheridan or gillette? i can't be all bad,
  20. winters in wyoming

    Although, I am a bit discouraged... it is nice to hear the "truth" about things. My husband has the "live on the edge of a mountain" dream. I tend to be a little more realistic. Hopefully we will live...
  21. winters in wyoming

    Thanks for the tip. My husband goes up to Cheyenne in March to do his testing and if he passes we have to pick three places in the state we would like to live. We have no idea!! We want to live near a...
  22. winters in wyoming

    My husband has applied for a job in Sheridan, Gillette, Carbon County, and for the State so we will
  23. winters in wyoming

    Can you tell me a little bit about the town you live in, whats the name of it, what all is in it? what's it like living there. It's so strange, I have been moving around for the last 6 years with work...
  24. winters in wyoming

    Yes, it is. However it does make me a little nervous being from the South. I am from a small town but the larger towns are too far away. I am ok with being in a small town, actually prefer it. As long...
  25. winters in wyoming

    I have heard that there are two distinct parts of wyo, the wooded areas, and the barren areas, is that true? What areas would you recommend that would be the least shocking to me weather wise? I would...