

Long term care, Assisted living

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All Content by NurseKimLPN

  1. quit first LPN job after 2 days

    well hello there.
  2. all done with this place!

    i quit my job after only two days, and i quit over voicemail, so you're in a better place than me! haha. you're going to find a better fit for you, i know it. good luck to you.
  3. LPN Starting Salary

    I just accepted a position as an LPN in a LTC facility. New grad, just passed boards, no experience. Starting wage is $15.21 + benefits. Union job.
  4. New LPN grad, first job

    hello all! i am a new LPN from new york- graduated late october and took/passed NCLEX december 17th. i had an interview at a LTC facility recently, and i have a pre-employment physical scheduled on new year's eve. i am confident i will be offered the...
  5. New LPN grad, first job

    thank you steve. i have had interviews in an assisted living facility and in a very large county nursing home. i really feel that a smaller skilled facility is right for me. if i am not granted two weeks of orientation, i guess i'll apply to places s...
  6. New LPN grad, first job

    thanks for replying! you're right.. if they want me, they will give me two weeks of orientation right off the bat. can't wait to start my first nursing job!