definitely get the hesi rn review book. it contains a cd that is very helpful with studying... also read through it. there are hesi hints throughout the book. saunders also
unfortunately, it doesn't matter how many questions you get. you can pass or fail at 75 - 265 questions. its a computer adaptive test. when it knows that you will pass the examination at whatever # no...
good luck to you. i agree with nursegreeneyes, i would definitely not check your answers. i looked up one nclex question that i had right after i walked out and realized i picked all the wrong ones...
i should also mention that i had 75 questions on the nclex. i wanted to post that in my results post, but i guess it escaped me due to the excitement. i found the exam challenging, but walked out of...
just recently i saw a lot of people who failed as well, but they may only think they failed, or they find this board after they failed through googling. also, i truly believe in a positive attitude...
believe me when i say i know where you're coming from... i felt sick awaiting for my results. time couldn't pass fast enough. your mind starts playing tricks on you and you wonder if its possible you...
i'm sorry to hear your news, but i think that you are already on your way with having a positive attitude and getting yourself ready for the challenge again. from this forum, i have heard a lot of...
nursegreeneyes,:nuke: good luck in your waiting time for your results! does your state post them or are you waiting for quick results from pearson vue? i'm waiting for your post that says "i'm an...