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About lovescoffee

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  1. Hi, as someone who just passed my CRNA boards YESTERDAY (woohoo!) I definitely think that your prior degree will be helpful when applying to CRNA school. I too had 2 Bach. degrees (Accelerated BSN...
  2. HR jumped 40 BPM in 30 seconds?

    Maybe look into is definitely possible that he wanted to
  3. ethical issue

    Suggestions: end of life care does morphine administration for pt comfort speed up pt death DNR per pt, but one or more family members oppose ...if I think of more I'll let ya know! GOOD
  4. My opinion is that physical assessment is when you are physically touching the pt, health assessment takes physical assessment as well as labs, vital signs, ect into account. GOOD
  5. any advice?

    I completely agree with the above post! Everything comes with time. The more you learn and the longer you use it the faster you will put the pieces together in the clinical setting! I have these "duh"...
  6. You could use "risk for infection" or "failure to thrive". If you use "imbalanced nutrition" I'd suggest making sure the kcal requirements of the pt are higher vs what they are receiving. I despise...
  7. I need help with labs!

    Just a guess, this pt was also obese. I would definitely inquire about a diabetes type 2 work-up. From what you listed, I would first look at DM r/t metabolic syndrome, as well as assess the pt's ETOH...
  8. In my opinion, "B" is correct because it decreases the likelihood that the patient is "performing" (for lack of a better term). Many times patients friends/family cause the patient to be more dramatic...
  9. soonnurse, I sent you a
  10. Quickest Route Possible

    sil2012, you're very welcome and congrats on the CNA exam! Experience and exposure are great before starting school. I remember in my RN program the people that hadn't been a CNA/tech/ect took longer...
  11. caellen, I did the Accel at Goldfarb in St. Louis. PM or email me if you have any
  12. Quickest Route Possible

    I believe so. There may be a school or 2 out there that don't require a BSN, but none I know of off hand. Every school is different in the way they view your GPA. When I was researching CRNA schools I...
  13. Yes, and I'm not going to lie, the breaks suck! we get a full week off between semesters (usually ends up being 2 from the last class of the week to the first class of the new semester). Once in...
  14. Like any program it's a love-hate relationship lol But I'm never upset to be here and in school! I've learned SOOO much, and I love that most of our profs are MDA's. Getting accepted depends on what...
  15. Apa style report!

    My 1st degree was Psych so between that, nursing school, and my CRNA school books I have tons of APA references....yet, I always find I end up back to the good ol' APA Owl website! It's just too...