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All Content by Dottie78

  1. I'm so Excited

    Congrats to you! That must be so exciting to be getting ready for the NCLEX. Good luck to you!
  2. I Got A Nursing Scholarship!!!

    YAY!!! Congrats, Katy...that is so awesome! :balloons: Good luck to you in nursing school.
  3. Vent: Bored of Cubicle Life (Long)

    Hi all. When my daughter was born (4 yrs. ago), that's when I decided that I wanted to go into nursing. The nurse who took care of me when I was in labor was great, and she was the one who inspired me to go into nursing. It was like a lightbulb final...
  4. Vent: Bored of Cubicle Life (Long)

    Thanks for the replies and advice. I will continue to patiently wait until I can attend nursing school and will not give up. As far as loans go, taking out a private loan is tempting, but I won't be able to because my husband is going to owe a lot ...
  5. Loved one soon to be passing

    Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your granny. Here's a hug. :icon_hug: She will be fine, and I'm sure the hospice nurses will take good care in making sure she is comfortable. God Bless.
  6. Oh my is a hug! :icon_hug: You are only 21 years old, not married and no have a long life ahead of you. Gosh, I'd give anything to be 21 and and go to school before having my family. I'm sorry to say this, but your mom is not a...
  7. I can't believe she said that

    That is just plain ignorance right there. Either that, or that girl feels she has to put down others in order to feel better about herself. I really hope someone puts her in her place REAL soon! I guess she was too dumb to realize that LPNs also go ...
  8. Baptist Tuition Fees?

    I'm looking into which LVN program to attend in San Antonio. They all sound good, except I was advised to chose the program with the least tuition cost. Galen College of Nursing's tuition sure is expensive! (~$17K) However, Baptist School of Nursi...
  9. St. Philips College in San Antonio

    Hi Anya16, I too posted a thread just now inquiring about St. Phillips LVN program. I thought I heard a while back that the graduates weren't scoring well on the NCLEX, but not sure how true that is. I also want to see how much the tuition was, bec...
  10. Proud to be a nurse

    Wow, that is so great and encouraging to read positive posts like these!! I'm not a nurse yet...hoping to attend LPN school soon and absoluetly cannot wait. Can't wait until I can say what I do for a living..."I am a NURSE!" NURSES ROCK!!
  11. After completing pre-reqs for R.N., I was disappointed to find out (due to financial reasons) that more-than-likely I will not be able to quit my full-time job to attend 2 years of school. I'm married with two children, have a mortgage and bills, th...
  12. Thinking About Surgical Technologist

    Thank you guys for all the advice! Gosh, even at this point I'm still not sure. To me, surgical tech sounded so appealing, just as appealing as nursing. It sounds like something more for me, but at the same time I still want to try nursing. Like ...
  13. How many females are "peeking" in this forum?

    I peek once in a while. Just curious to see a male's point of view sometimes!
  14. birth control and pap HELP SCARED

    Don't feel scared or worried you'll be judged. Your doctor has seen hundreds of patients, and is well-experienced. I know the first time is always scary, but it's not bad at all, and doesn't take long. It's unconfortable, but not painful. Just re...
  15. LVN to RN

    You can try doing an ADN or diploma LVN to RN program. They do not require you to take all those other courses, like History, Economics, etc., but they do require that you take A&P and Microbiology. You won't earn a batchelor's degree, but you'...
  16. Bizzare

    That's crazy! These stories remind me of the Maury Povich show. I saw one show in particular where the girl had a total of SIX guys on the show (6 different episodes over a period of time), each tested, because each one that came on, she was so sur...
  17. What school(s) is everyone applying to????

    I won't be able to apply just yet, but have already sent transcripts to two schools in San Antonio, TX: Baptist School of Health Professions, and San Antonio College. Let's see which one I get accepted to. Good luck to everyone!
  18. Oh man, I've cracked up reading some of these stories on here, but there are some that are so sad too. I'm pre-nursing right now, but even after reading these, I still want to become a nurse. Can't wait until I get there, so I can finally share my gr...
  19. How do you "turn it off" after work?

    OMG, it's not just you, I also don't agree with any of the things these parents did with their new baby. I'm not even a nursing student yet, but reading your post made me pretty nervous too! In situations like this, I don't think it's easy to just ...
  20. What is with me?? Do I give up?

    Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your hardships. :icon_hug: I understand what you're going through, because I too have a full-time job, and married with two young children, and sometimes I get overwhelmed. Don't feel bad about taking 3 years to do pr...
  21. What would you do?

  22. Are we all old???

    Hi everyone! I'm 29 and married with 2 young children. I just finished my prerequisites, and hope to start a diploma nursing program in either fall of 08, or spring of 09. Been working in an office too long, and getting bored, not to mention the p...
  23. How many nurses want their children to be nurses too?

    I have a 9-yr-old son and 3-yr-old daughter, and my daughter has said she would like to be a doctor so she can "take care of the babies". She says this whenever we go to the pediatrician's office. I encourage this, but then she also says she wants ...
  24. How many parents in here?

    I'm a mom of a 9-yr.-old son, and 3-yr.-old daughter. I also work full-time, and when I was taking my prereqs, my husband was home with the kids. He'll be finishing his degree this spring, so I'm just waiting for that, before I start NS. Then I ca...
  25. Am I CRAZY to stay in school?

    I totally agree with, and feel the exact same way with what Triple A said. Do this for YOU, because you have a goal you want to accomplish. Also, you never know what can happen later. Don't let your husband talk you out of continuing school, just ...