RN Zeke

RN Zeke

Postpartum, Antepartum, Psych., SDS, OR

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About RN Zeke

RN Zeke specializes in Postpartum, Antepartum, Psych., SDS, OR.


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  1. Transitioning from full time nurse to travel nurse

    List yourself with a few companies maybe 4. Check to see how many companies are under the same parent company. That will save you from duplicate forms to fill out. If your Nursing license is in a...
  2. Best Agencies in Houston, TX

    Maybe a cheap package offering....Epic is the best out there now, in my
  3. Is it time to leave Arizona?

    Worked a contract in Tucson last summer and loved it. Hot, Hot and Hot, love every minute of it and will go back in a heart beat. Years ago I worked in Phoenix, but not the small town atmosphere as...
  4. New to travel...looking for a (some) Travel Buddies!!!

    I did for my 2nd assignment and fell in love with the staff, hospital, snow, moose, sled dogs, you name it I love it and will go back maybe this 2013 winter. More fun than FL, CA, AZ do I need to say...
  5. Would You Rather...

    I love Alaska...Will go back...Providence is awsome and so are the staff..Thought I died and went to heaven. Love the Moose, Sled Dogs, Snow and the beauty GOD made for us to see in Alaska. No I did...
  6. Would You Rather...

    There are many companies to choose from in any location. Find some in the area you want to work by google search and or yellow pages. Call them or send a message and find out if they have positions...
  7. ADN to BSN-- Advice on good programs?

    Do all colleges, brick and mortar/on-line require clinicals for ADN to
  8. New ICU traveler - Need advice!

    Check CA BOA web page for nursing license requirements. Pay specific attention to the finger pring portion. If you travel to CA and get the digital finger prints the license will come quicker. Look...
  9. Bummed

    Go with your gut instinct. If a job doesn't feel right over the telephone it will only be worse when you get there and try to work. Just my
  10. Best Nursing Shoes/Sneakers

    When my feet hurt I hurt all over....Anyone else expeience this? Love my
  11. Best Nursing Shoes/Sneakers

    I was not impressed with their web prices as they are similar to store prices. They do look good in many styles. Danskos are too hard with little cushion, never found a comfortable pair that
  12. Best Nursing Shoes/Sneakers

    Sounds like you need to visit a DOCTOR and see whay you have foot pain. Be a good nurse and get the appointment
  13. HITPRO exams

    I have not heard about this, will look into this now. Thanks for the
  14. Want out of contract

    Sounded like a good deal, the hospital paid out big bucks for you. Sure could have used that myself..but counted my blessings to get a job and experience. My drive was 110 miles to work round trip....
  15. Best Nursing Shoes/Sneakers

    Hi dcfashionista, What kind of insole? I have worn out at least 2 pairs maybe 3 of skecher's. I have non skid for work and the regular ones for "play". I got skecher sandals last fall and love them!!...