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All Content by Awesome-ical

  1. Nursing Program Waiting List?

    Hi long legs! Did you have 14 points all three times you applied? Or did you finally get in with 14 points? I have 14 points now and am waiting to find out if I get in for the fall. I do not want to retake any classes :-) Thanks in advance!
  2. This is just the best. Thank you!!!
  3. Info on CCCCD school in McKinney / Express A&P

    You are awesomely helpful! Thank you so much for the information :-)
  4. Info on CCCCD school in McKinney / Express A&P

    I could be missing something but I haven't seen much info on Collin County Community College. Has anyone attended/knows someone who attended school at CCCCD? Does anyone know what lowest GPA was that got in? How the program was, etc.? I would hate...
  5. Info on CCCCD school in McKinney / Express A&P

    Thanks for the info Buttercup! Does Brookhaven run a semester over the summer so that you go 16 consecutive months or do they break it up into traditional fall/spring semesters? Also, do they let you do clinicals on the weekends?