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All Content by bet0326

  1. Miami NICUs

    The big three NICU's in Miami are Baptist, Jackson and Miami Children's. All are level III. Baptist just DC'd the youngest baby ever born. Jackson is a county hospital with about 70 NICU beds in total. All three are great places to work but very ...
  2. PKU testing

    As a PKU mom (DS is 8 months old :monkeydance: with classic PKU) and a nurse, I can tell you that it was a blessing that my son had his Guthrie test done at 48 hours. Even then his phe levels were barely above normal. When I retested a week after b...
  3. Where Is The Worst place to work in Florida?

    I haven't worked there yet. That is from Fortune Magazine, Working Mother and AARP. I start on the 23rd. I will let you know.
  4. Where Is The Worst place to work in Florida?

    No situation is perfect. However, not all hospitals in Florida are like that. Baptist in Miami is considered one of the best places to work for in America.
  5. Lifting during Pregnancy

    GooeyRN You know when I worked night shift every single nurse I worked with delivered early and had a low birth weight infant. Who knows if there is a correlation. My weight limit was imposed by my doctor, who stated that I could work but not lift ...
  6. Nurse terminated after having baby

    Thank you so much for your comment and support. I am in the process of looking for an attorney. My main goal is to stop this from happening to someone else. I will keep you posted.
  7. Lifting during Pregnancy

    I was fired for not being able to lift more than 20 lbs while pregnant. Other than that I am completely capable of doing my job.
  8. Nurse terminated after having baby

    I received a certified letter yesterday informing me that due to my pregnancy I could not lift the required 75 lbs and was hereby terminated. VIA LETTER!!! I am 19 weeks pregnant and my doctor says that anything over 20 lbs is unsafe. I have been ...
  9. The Nightshift Funk

    Hi! I've been on nights for two months. It's 8 hr. shift so it's five nights a week for me. I have pretty much hit the end of my rope. Instead of getting better it has gotten worse. It is so bad that I spend my whole day dreading going to work. ...
  10. Miami hospitals

    I know I'm a little late with this one........but South Miami and Coral Gables are extremely expensive, exclusive neighborhoods that I would love to live in......and I live in Pembroke Pines. No comparison
  11. Miami Nursing Schools.. Help

    Oh and Barry does clinicals at Jackson as well....
  12. Miami Nursing Schools.. Help

    Well I go to Barry and if you can afford it or qualify for aid I would consider it (I don't because I have a finance degree from FIU). It has an excellent reputation and incredible faculty. It is a family. I know that this year they had 450 applic...
  13. My class must be bad.

    We have to get a B or above in every class or we are kicked out and there is no program in the city that will take us.
  14. My class must be bad.

    Retaking a test because of a bad grade.....that's ridiculous. I mean my school is a lot like high school and some classes drop the lowest grade, but retaking a test! Not even in elementary school. I don't think that's a good thing.
  15. Funny you should mention it. It was huge discussion in my class yesterday was just talking to a girl in my Micro class yesterday that was looking for schools that don't offer it. You guys should talk!!!! LOL. I'll...
  16. Anybody doing the March or Dimes Walkathon?

    Fifth year in a row........funny thing is that I'm doing it with a bank that I used to work for. Nursing school isn't organizing anything that I know of.
  17. What is failing at your school?

    You have to maintain B's in all nursing classes and a 3.0 total average at Barry. Once you drop below a B you're outta here
  18. 2nd degree BSN programs?

    HI! Just started Barry's second degree BSN. It's very time consuming. A lot more like high school than college. I mean there's a quiz every week in the sciences. There is free tutoring. Some classes have homework. This is all probably due to th...
  19. the pay for nurses

    $36,000 a year is $29 an hour for a teacher.
  20. the pay for nurses

    I'm not knocking teachers in any way. I have good friends that are teachers and I plan on one day being a nursing educator myself. I definitely think that they deserve more money. However, most of the teachers I know understand that they make very...
  21. the pay for nurses

    Like I said, if you calculate it by hour.......with summer's off..........that's what I meant about the engineer stat. I actually got that from the state government here in florida. Considering that most people get paid salary (my best friend is an...
  22. My boyfriend's grandmother passed away on December 27 at a hospice run by Vitas in Hialeah Hospital. I start nursing school in three weeks so I was increasingly observant of the nurses on staff. Most of the nurses were working double shifts and wer...
  23. the pay for nurses

  24. nursing as a career?!

    Yes it is, but if you really love it don't make the same mistake I did. When I was a senior I wanted to be a nurse and everyone told me that I was crazy and I decided to study finance. I'm 25 now and starting nursing school all over again. Amyh03,...
  25. Barry University

    So did you make your decision? I start Barry in three weeks.