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All Content by bet0326

  1. Hi Everyone Just wanted to know if anyone on the BB attends Barry University in Miami. I start there in the Spring and I would love to know what it's like and what to expect! Thanks Yvette:roll
  2. Does anyone go to Barry University

    can any of you tell me what hospitals participate in the clinicals for Barry......
  3. hi everyone!

    Welcome....... Most schools have copies of the student handbook on the internet and it should have the requirements there. I attend school in Miami and our handbook has a section. Good Luck Yvette
  4. Disecting a cat-why?

    I know I'm a little late on this one high school I dissected both a mink and a cat. The cat is a field day compared to the mink. The cat is (I can't find another word) so clean on the inside. Minks..........they have mink oil. Mink...
  5. Does anyone go to Barry University

    Thanks a lot for the response. I know it is a fortune. However, I hear wonderful things about it. Just three more weeks to go. How were the clinicals and recruitment? Where did you do your clinincals? Thanks again! Yvette
  6. Hi everyone, I start school in four weeks and one of my first classes is microbiology. I have heard major horror stories about this one. How scared should I be?
  7. Opinions Please! Long Story

  8. Dont, let me down...

    I would go for the BSN. However, I live in Florida and there is a state loan forgiveness program along with numerous loan forgiveness programs at local hospitals. Like I said it all depends on what you want to do later on. Again, good luck oh I for...
  9. Opinions Please! Long Story

    That's just as bad as cheating in my book.
  10. Opinions Please! Long Story

    IT WAS ONE ANSWER. I think most of us know the difference between narcotics stealing and a stupid question on a test that most of us will forget. I don't think it's worth getting kicked out of school for. Maybe I've been working too long but I wou...
  11. Opinions Please! Long Story

    WOW. I wouldn't say anything and hope it blows over. Until then just be polite to that witch in your class. If the professor hasn't mentioned it by now he probably won't. Good Luck
  12. Dont, let me down...

    Hi Jen It never hurts to apply. I start the BSN program in January and I'm happy with the decision I've made. Since your youngest kids will be in school soon consider if you want to get your MSN someday. If you do having your BSN will streamline t...
  13. clinical uniforms

    That's a great question. Nursing minds would like to know!!:chuckle
  14. Is Microbiology really that scary

    The way that my school has it set up you have to attend the class, the lab and then a mandatory one hour review session. They say it helps people a lot.
  15. Does anyone else think this is ridiculous?

    Good Luck! When I applied to take my prereq's at the local community college they asked me for my high school information even though I already had a bachelors degree from a local university. I decided right then and there that I didn't want to dea...
  16. Is Microbiology really that scary

    I'll be sure to let everyone know how it's going next semester. Thanks again
  17. I'm so proud of myself!

    Don't feel bad about celebrating. When I got into the BSN program I practically put an ad out in the paper. I have a countdown going because I start on January 13th. I had to keep it a secret at work because I'm resigning to go full time. When I ...
  18. Hello all, newbie here

    Hi Angela Welcome! I'm new here too but I'm already hooked. I start nursing school in a month in Miami and I can't wait. I'm looking forward to sharing stories with you. Good Luck Yvette
  19. Does anyone go to Barry University

    Thanks alot. I applied to the big three miami schools and in the end fell in love with Barry. After attending a public university it was a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to start. Just a month to go.
  20. Is Microbiology really that scary

    Thank you all for your encouraging words. I am so obsessed with starting school that it is all I can talk about. It's nice to finally speak to people who understand. My boyfriend looks at me with a confused look and says that he's never seen anyon...
  21. Is Microbiology really that scary

    I can't help it but I can't wait to start!!! I have been pushing paper and helping people get rich for five years and I can't wait to dive in and do this. I wish your professor was in Miami! What a riot:chuckle Unfortunately, I have a serious laug...
  22. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hi I'm Yvette and I will be starting the BSN program in four weeks. I'm leaving a career in banking to follow my dream and become a nurse:D