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About DivaNurse2007

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  1. Employment in California for LVN's

    I wanted to see if any LVN's are having trouble with Employment in California. I currently live in Northern California and it seems that jobs in Dept of Corrections are there ...but..I dont see...
  2. Why did you choose to go into nursing?

    Well..Ive been bandaging people since I was 5 years old...lol.I l wanted to be a doctor, pediatrician, but looked at the schooling time wise and $ I didnt want to do it. Especially the long hours your...
  3. I have given Nursing my best is it not for me?

    Hmm..THIS IS THE SAME EXACT ISSUE IM GOING THROUGH!IT makes me sick that this type of issue is still going on in the U.S. I am also african american I ended up taking a position with a company who is...
  4. How do you Single moms balance work and family?

  5. Im a 8 month old baby . I work in SNF 3-11pm shift.I use to do overtime alot before I got pregnant, but now overtime is cut out per our DON.Im acutally okay with it since I have a baby now and I have...
  6. How to Write to Your Legislator

    I wrote to my Senetor 2 weeks ago. hopefully my voice will be
  7. Im beginning to dislike geriatrics

    i think she is allowed to take her own medication, but i might check that tomorrow when i go back to work. i told my don but she just encouraged me to set my alarm clock on my cell phone and give it...
  8. Im beginning to dislike geriatrics

    Im a Charge nurse for 31 patients and a lot of them are demanding.Its driving me so crazy . I give my patients 100% my best all the time even though I have a heavy work load.I work my A$$ off for...
  9. should I change jobs? (long)

    I started my job at a nursing home about 3 months ago( sub Acute station- working Day shift) and I am starting to feel frustrated as well. I love my job residents and co workers, but I feel as though...
  10. LVN Programs In Bay area?

    City College of S.F does have a lottery .I went twice before I got picked and just graduated from there.Good Program and good teachers.You just have to keep trying.They put your name in there 2-3...
  11. What was your firdt LPN/LVN job?

    My rate here in California is $29/hr as a Charge
  12. How long did it take you to feel comfortable in LTC?

    I feel the same way. I have been orientating for 2 1/2 weeks now at a LTC with a new nurse. She does things your not suppose to do like not flushing the GT tubing, leaving meds in patients room,...
  13. Starting my 1st job as LPN in LTC in 2days

    I just started my first job two weeks ago. I had 2 day orientation(watching videos-hippa, etc.) and had 8 days on the floor.So about two weeks of orientation which seems long enough. Im kinda of...
  14. nervous about new job

    I feel Nervous as well. I got my first full time job at a LTC AM Shift with a load of 27-32 patients(which I think is alot), but im excited to be finally working. I was a CNA for 10 months and Im too...
  15. first job as LVN

    Good luck on the position. I worked as a CNA on a subacute rehab facility and from I experienced its pretty busy .The nurses were busy as well, especially the day shift. Im a new LVN and I accepted a...