

PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric

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About ser2011

ser2011 has 2 years experience and specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

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  1. Baylor Internship January 2012

    Hey, I was wondering if any Baylor applicants could answer my question. How many interviews for new grad positions do they usually do? I have had a phone interview and I had an in person on the unit...
  2. Yeah, I was just trying to think up some that would apply that you hadn't posted. Disturbed Body Image isn't a high priority diagnoses compared to Risk for Infection/Ineffective Breathing Pattern and...
  3. what about: disturbed body image acute
  4. Level 1 nursing student....HELP!!!!

    If you don't already have an NCLEX book, then buy one. Use the resources that come with your books. For some people it just takes a lot of practice. If you know that you are missing 'best action'...
  5. Wondering if I should change to nursing

    I'm not trying to discourage you, but right now many new graduate nurses are having a difficult time finding their first jobs due to the
  6. TWU Applicants Spring 2011

    I have loved nursing school so far! It has its positives and negatives. What is so difficult is how much material is smashed into one tiny semester. Some of the material is academically...
  7. Where are the tech jobs at?

    Hello! I'm a third semester nursing student in a reputable BSN program in the Dallas area. I graduate December 2011! I have been applying to numerous PCT/PCA position in the Dallas area at...
  8. TWU Applicants Spring 2011

    Hello - I'm an S1 at the Dallas campus. I have not ever seen/heard of student getting sites in Fort Worth; the closest I have seen is in Arlington for Mental Health in S1 semester and Baylor...
  9. TWU Applicants Spring 2011

    In Dallas it is a white top and maroon
  10. Alright, thanks for the information! Was it one interview and then you found
  11. Where did you find the information about the HR email address? I am a second semester nursing student (and go to school VERY close to Parkland) and I have been applying and applying to PCT/Nurse...
  12. Best math course for NS?

    All of the medication math (even IV calculations) are mostly basic algebra and word problems. So maybe an algebra class would help if you really want to take a course. A good book to look at would...
  13. TWU

    Hi RaeFwTX, I go to the Dallas campus right now. I know that TWU is now using the TEAS V exam for entrance, not the HESI a2. You should try applying to the Houston and Dallas campuses. The...
  14. TWU Applicants Spring 2011

    Hey! I applied last fall and started Spring '10. I'm about to start my second semester at the Dallas campus. They told us we wouldn't find out until November too, but they ended up letting us know...
  15. TWU Fall 2010

    Good luck guys! I just started at the Dallas campus this January. You never know, you could find out earlier than they say. Last fall we didn't even know we were getting emails for acceptance...