

student; help!

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About cmonkey

cmonkey specializes in student; help!.

We have a small farm where we raise ethical meat, eggs, and honey. I hope to add wool to that after I graduate. I have 3 small kids.

Latest Activity

  1. Letter to the Offended

    I love the kindle because it doesn't have the back light. Easier on my old
  2. Your best nursing tips/tricks

    Wetting the diaper (or a huge hospital pad) and putting that in the freezer for a while works well, too. Fewer ice cubes to chase around if it gets
  3. Have you ever been told

    *I* was misinformed about what nurses do until this semester, so I'm not surprised the public
  4. You'd be surprised how easy it is. Perhaps 'surprised' is the wrong
  5. One bad egg...

    We're supposed to have lab coats in our program. Am I snotty for having
  6. Really scared...

  7. Here goes nothing

    I did great! We thought my CI lost a Tylenol 3 but she finfally found it in her pocket. I had two passes (one pt), one at 1500, one at 2000. The second one was the biggie, but it went fine. My pt was...
  8. Hospice nurse "survival kit"

    Shout wipes! I love these things so hard it's obscene. They get out ALL the stains I've used them on, including blood. A camelbak water bottle with a bite valve is my new best friend. Does. not. leak....
  9. How do I nicely say "no"?

    You can feel bad but that doesn't mean you need to change your life to suit hers. I have three kids and I manage to make it work. Some of that is by swapping care with other moms locally, but we all...
  10. How do I nicely say "no"?

    It's also a complete sentence. "No." You don't owe an explanation unless you want to give one.
  11. THANK YOU to those who wait until after T'giving. I'm having enough trouble accepting we're this far into another year without having to deal with giftmas celebrations in
  12. Done with first clinical rotation!

    Congrats! You've come a long way already. I'm glad you stuck with it through
  13. Mmmm, cheeeeeese
  14. Home entryway

    We have mudrooms oop nort', too! I want one SO
  15. I have to choose a culture and do a poster on various topics. I chose a culture that performs procedures on young children that would be deemed illegal in the US and most Western countries. How...