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  1. learn everything you can b/c CRNA school will truly be the most difficult thing you ever do good luck and stay focused
  2. Donn what schools are you actually planning on looking at and where? just wondering :)
  3. I would not worry about what on-line program to start, just make sure it is NLN accredited good luck nec
  4. loisane, I start nurse anesthesia school in scranton,pa in aug and i just wanted you to know that the program requires us to read the book before we start in aug, i did not start it yet but i...
  5. I am a male L&D nurse

    Can i ask one question? why does our profession differenciate "a male nurse" from everyother nurse? doctor or lawyers do not say a female attorney or a female doctor or vis versa, so can i...
  6. srnakate Most of all be yourself, dress professional and conservative, face it you will be anxious and nervous but don't worry everyone will be in the same boat you are, as for having children, some...
  7. University of Scranton in Pa :rotfl:
  8. Hi, welcome to the board, you seem very motivated, as most of us who are working towards a goal of becoming a crna. I have been a nurse for six years ranging from telemtry to Sicu, Cticu, anyway I...
  9. I am also starting in Aug of this year, I am giving my NM my two weeks notice on the 14th of this month I am going to enjoy the summer off with my family, and also get used to being broke, good luck...
  10. Thank You for the information
  11. Waiting to hear your reply to Nilepoc, please educate us on your scope of practice and your training, I am not familar with AA's so please tell us your experience and your background if you would...
  12. Online BSN

    If you think about it you will probably talk yourself out of it I was going to do an online program but like the idea of still being in a classroom i finished my bsn in 2.5 years, I am now 26 I work...
  13. Hi am also starting school in a few months, I have been in the current hosp Icu for almost three years and i could tell you first hand if i had to do it over again i would not tell anyone what my...
  14. Reapply, Reapply, Reapply - do not give up, if it is your dream then stick to it show them how much you want it, move to an icu if you can take a few classes on the side or some master credits at that...
  15. If it was me, I would take a new chemistry closer to applying to anesthesia school. Good luck