

Hem/ONC/Med Surg

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All Content by ErinLee14

  1. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Thanks ! Yes, they cross-trained me over winter break. Working on the floor has been great experience. Hows your job?! Its hard to say which semester was harder. First semester was hard for me because it was hard to get use to all the studying and wo...
  2. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Wow ! I cant believe this post is still going! that's awesome..Congrats Erindel YOU GOT IN! wahooo it's worth the wait. I just finished the first year-- it was intense!!! ONE more to go !! good luck everyone one.. dont give up :)
  3. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Hows it going guys? .. the nursing program is intense !
  4. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Hello all , figured I would write something since I haven't in a while.... I survived my first week of nursing school!... I wasn't too sure I was going too. I am so thankful & happy to have started but it's NOT easy!! Not that I expected it to be...
  5. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

  6. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Hey guys, haven't wrote here in a while.... I registed for nursing classes last friday!.. I have school monday through friday in th Fall.. M, W, F is Fund. of Nursing class , Tue Lab , and thur clinical!.. We ordered our uniforms & lab coats.. Ho...
  7. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    How is everyone?! Anything new & exciting going on with anyone?
  8. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Sounds like your application is complete as of Dec? That's good if so, to get on the waitlist & then take your non-nursing class(which Mirco is one of them) while waiting it out. I would call MCC and ask to speak to the NURSING advsior. sometimes...
  9. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    I hear you, I hope a job comes through for you! Have you tried sending your resume directly to a nurse manager or the floor your applying too? Or calling and talking to someone personally? hmm just trying to think about things that might help you cha...
  10. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Thanks-Yes, it will be put to good use :) Im sure, I applied to hospitals for about a year before I got an interview & I used an employee's name as a reference so I am pretty sure that is why I got a call. Work is going good, thanks.. SUPER BUS...
  11. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Hi Erin, I got it! You were right it is the one spiral bound edges & maroon (Saunders Student Nurse Planner:Version 6) Thanks so much. Both of your references are awesome, the fund. of nurs. made incred. easy & that planner! They both have so...
  12. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    hmm or version 6? ha there are a lot of them not sure which one ?
  13. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    LynM-Thank You! I will be sure to keep you guys posted. James-GOODLUCK! let us know if you get any good news! ErinDel- That student nursing planner you told me about, is it Saunders student nurse planner version 3? Thanks!
  14. First off, I love!..I know there are many places to post threads here but I really wanted to post it hear- feel free to move it , it you feel the need.. I just finished my microbio class this semester (my last non-nursing class.) I hav...
  15. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    I Know, she is soo lucky. An nursing assistant job. Yes, hopefully you will for 2011! Can they tell you where about you are on the list? Ya, I meet some awesome people already at work :) i
  16. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Erindel- Thanks about the planner, I am def. going to try to find it! I actually met a girl at Orintation at Lahey who was on the waitlist at MCC. We both got our letters the same day for FALL. BUT... She was on stand by (i guess 3 people are on stan...
  17. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    That good. I actually really liked Mircobio. It was hard, but labs were actually interesting & class. My prof. was cool (I took it in Bedford though.) Thanks , Yes I feel this break is a good thing.. to relax, work , get experience before NURSIN...
  18. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Thank You, I will have to look into those loans.. Right , I am going to try to do CRP through Lahey. I know they offer it once a month or something. I will be working 32 hours now but once school starts in fall ill prob do 20 or something. Hopefully ...
  19. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Thank you so much! I am so happy & excited, I can't even describe. Orientation is in May! It doesn't say anything about uniforms & such.. I am sure we will find things like that out at the orinetation. I am also not sure about when we can get...
  20. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER TODAY!!!!!!!!!! FROM MCC TO START CLINICALS FALL2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY! yes yes yes year & a half wait & its so worth it..! goodluck guys let me know.
  21. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Thats awesome you are applying to Lahey, let me know how that goes. I dont even remeber when I got them.. the first was prob. around March.. when my app. was comp. and then the other was in the summer saying Jan. is full and I am on the waitlist for ...
  22. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    No, I ment I have received two letters on two different occasions saying I have been accepted and put on the wait list for the next semester! So I'm really hoping this next leter gives me my start date and comes ASAP!! I got a job as a unit coordinat...
  23. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    I think he is a really good prof. His tests of mult choice but dont let that fool you they are hard. If you study though you will be good. I liked his labs. I would def. recommand him. Also- Erindel .. I Have already recieved two letters from MCC sa...
  24. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    OMG no way!!!! That is the floor i got the job in!! 7W: Oncology. What postion did you interview for?!! and when was this?! how awesome would that be!? if we worked together. I am not 100% about the program just know if you work at lahey you can get ...
  25. anyone from middlesex community college rn program

    Erindel: I did call.. She said "I have a very strong chance of getting into Fall2010, but nothings final until its in the letter." As you said they can't spill the beans. I also just got offered a job at Lahey Clinic Medical Center in Burlington (wer...