If I'm working night shift with 30 patients and three nurses, with one tech who has to sit with an elderly patient whose confused and delusional and a patient complains because they had to wait half...
I feel your pain. Bedside Nursing is extremely difficult you have to balance multiple demands at one time. You not only need to be clinically excellent you also must be a diplomat a social worker a...
Here we are again in upstate NY. Yet another blizzard is upon us. All area schools are closed, business's are closing early and sending their employee's home. A state on emergency has been declared,...
Years ago I had a positive reaction to a PPD. A large red bump appeared on my arm. I had not had any exposures so I was alarmed. The employee health nurse asked me if I had been around any horses. I...
The facility I work at has a phone triage unit. Nurses who work on these units facilitate patient transfers from Doctors office or other facilities to the Hospital. They make sure the correct paper...
I would look into a transfer to another unit, your managers are looking for mistakes. It doesn't,t matter how much you do right or how much the patients like you, they are only going to fixate on what...
Reimbursements to hospitals are being tied to press Ganey score. Hospitals that receive high scores are given bonuses. Hospitals with poor scores are penalized. Some of the verbage in the rounding...
I had a similiar experience recently that made me feel frustrated. I never took the course in mind reading in Nursing school so I guess I am at a disadvantage. The Patient and I had a good first four...