KimberlyRN89 BSN, RN


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About KimberlyRN89

KimberlyRN89 is a BSN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg/urology.

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  1. Hi all, I recently had a phone interview for an assistant nurse manager position on a mother baby unit. I have 7 years of nursing experience, 4 yrs of that in mother baby, charge nurse experience,...
  2. KimberlyRN89

    Future Nurse Practitioner

    No, while I enjoy women's health I miss working with patients across the
  3. KimberlyRN89

    Future Nurse Practitioner

    Hello! I work on a post partum unit. My hospital is in a big city and attached to a university. The medical group employs midwives and i think they are quite busy. As a l&d nurse, you may get one...
  4. KimberlyRN89

    Hospice RN vs Case Manager

    Hello! I am hospice nurse and that title "case manager" can be sooooo misleading. You are doing hands on skilled nursing. I think how well you adapt will depend on your company. When I got hired at...
  5. KimberlyRN89

    New Grad: Which Job to Choose?

    My vote is for#1 ! It sounds like a great opportunity. I may be a bit biased though because I'm seeking a position sort of what you described in #1 and if I'm offered the opportunity, I'm taking it
  6. KimberlyRN89

    CHPN Certification

    Glad to see a good review about the practice book. I just received it today and hope it will help me adequately
  7. KimberlyRN89

    Transferring out of Sojourner - douglass college

    Sojourner-Douglass College could become part of for-profit Virginia school - Baltimore Sun Stratford has agreed to take over
  8. KimberlyRN89

    Medstar health tuition assistance?

    I'm at the hospital center in DC but I believe tuition reimbursement starts after 3 months of full time
  9. If you apply for a new job, it may not be a good idea to list your manager as a reference. See if you can use some of your charge nurses as
  10. I was a CNA and LPN during my time in nursing school. I worked pretty much every weekend. And occasionally I'd work 1-2 days during the week. It was not fun but it helped me learn more about...
  11. KimberlyRN89

    Transferring out of Sojourner - douglass college

    I am a 2013 alum of SDC and I'm very sad about the news. Has the school of nursing provided you all with any
  12. KimberlyRN89

    DC License by Endorsement

    I think they open at 0800. Call them first thing and speak to them. The only way to get a license is to call non-stop 😔 Edit: to answer your question, I have only gotten a
  13. KimberlyRN89

    Sorry, we must start you as a new grad.

    I know a nurse on my that had LTC experience too and they put her in the new grad internship program. It's not exactly fair to label you as a new grad, but if you are seeking an acute care position...
  14. KimberlyRN89

    DC License by Endorsement

    I called them too last Thursday and got the same story. I see you're going to be at the hospital center too so maybe we will be in orientation together lol. I read something about a supervised...
  15. KimberlyRN89

    DC License by Endorsement

    I'm in the same boat. Has anyone had any success with calling? I applied last Wednesday and they have cashed my check, according to my bank. I hope that is a sign that they are processing my...