Courtney Nurse Writer BSN


All Content by Courtney Nurse Writer

  1. One of the most significant diseases affecting America is heart disease. A large amount of information tells us the reasons for most people developing heart disease and what risk factors a person might have that place them at a greater risk for devel...
  2. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Having This Risk Factor Can Put You at a Higher Risk of Dying From a Heart Attack

    Thank you! I really appreciate that!
  3. One of the most frightening things a person may argue that could happen would be that they would slowly start to lose their ability to perform basic tasks like feeding themselves, bathing themselves, or even losing what memory of themselves they once...
  4. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    I think there are nurses out there who just don't like to teach. I love teaching and loved nursing students and loved orienting new nurses. I was there once and remembered how horrible I felt my first semester as a nursing student, being treated poor...
  5. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Are there a lot of jobs offered for ADN RNs?

    I live in Austin Texas. I started out with my ADN, worked for a few years then went back to get my BSN. If you want to work in a major hospital you will have to get your BSN eventually. Otherwise you can a job with your ADN. I still think getting you...
  6. Courtney Nurse Writer

    New Grad afraid to start working!

    Completely normal. It never passes either. Some days I would have to talk myself to go into work because I would be so scared. It gets easier, it really does!!!
  7. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Advice on which job to take

    I like job 2!! OR plus peds specialty = highly desirable by future employers if ya ask me!! Also the lower pay will be a second thought when you are not sitting in traffic (which I do daily blah!!). I did an OR externship and there were mean doctors ...
  8. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Test Shut off at 75 and I know I failed

    The worse you felt you did.... The most likely you are to have passed. [emoji6] keep us posted!!!
  9. Courtney Nurse Writer

    What's your take as a graduate nurse working nights in med surg

    I started out on nights. It's a big adjustment mentally with those hours. But in all honesty it's a perfect shift to learn without being overwhelmed by all the day hustle and bustle. You'll do great. Good luck!
  10. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Passed the NCLEX with 1 Try!

    Congrats! Such a big relief off your shoulders.
  11. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Skills practice....on each other?

    Same. Mannequin for IVs. Oranges for injections. I think there is nothing like someone's actual arm for an IV start though. The mannequins are just not realistic enough. I think as long as everyone is consented it should be allowed. Wonder why not? I...
  12. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Dosage Calc Help!

    Yeah that's odd. I got 0.0000016
  13. When I first started nursing as a New grad in Austin that's what I was offered. 22/Hr granted that was 7 years ago. I haven't been put to Tyler in a very long time but from what I remember it was a small town.
  14. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Medical Assistant as school nurse

    Seems to be a hot button for nurses in general, and pulls them in from the general site. Darn right this is a hot topic. At least for me it is. I get highly offended/annoyed when MAs get called nurses. Happens on a daily basis and it seems to be happ...
  15. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Can they do this to me?????

    What crime are you talking about? If it had nothing to do with you then maybe you could write an email to the manager and explain the situation. Perhaps even get a letter from the cops who interviewed you.
  16. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Do nurses do med math

    I mix the biologics to be infused to our patients. I use dosage calculations on a daily basis!!!!!! We have a new nurse in our department who has a hard time figuring out how to get 25mg of Benadryl out of 50mg vial......... Yeah kinda scary right.
  17. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Failed nclex twice, advice?

    Hurst review all the way!
  18. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Port-a-cath's and Biopatch usage

    I work at an outpatient clinic infusion room and we do not use bio patches on our ports. Perhaps it's because they are literally in and out?? Though when I worked at a hospital I do not remember using them there either. I really only see them on PICC...
  19. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Should I "waste" my time getting an ADN?

    I agree apply to both places. I did my ADN first. It was a very loooonnnnggggg wait to get in. I did all my non-nursing classes that were required to graduate first while I was waiting to get into the program. Then once I was accepted in all I had to...
  20. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Anyone ever have to address the "choking game"?

    Milk challenge?? I haven't heard about this one.
  21. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Relocating to Austin

    No problem! Let me know if you need anything else!
  22. Courtney Nurse Writer

    I took the NCLEX and ran out of time.

    Oh lord "Mavrick". Excuse me for my miss spell. Thank you very much. Congrats Delfin123 for passing! Now go take a minute relax and have a glass of wine!
  23. Courtney Nurse Writer

    I took the NCLEX and ran out of time.

    Hang in there. I've always heard the worst you feel you did on your exam then most likely you passed. If you walked out of there knowing for a fact you failed and you did absolutely horrible with tears streaming down your face then you passed. Yeah t...
  24. Courtney Nurse Writer

    Would you take NCLEX-RN when 40 weeks pregnant?

    Honestly I would go a head and take it now. First babies are typically late. If you put it off until after the baby is born you will be dealing with all the stressors of a new baby and the postpartum goodness that comes with it. Take it now while al...
  25. Courtney Nurse Writer

    New to Nursing! Questions for RN in Texas!

    If your going to Texas tech you'll be getting your BSN. Which is what I'd suggest doing. Most places prefer the BSN prepared nurse now a days. If you want your associates that's usually a community college. Pay depends on where you go after graduatio...