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About Blove86

Blove86 specializes in None.

I am just following my passion and going where my dreams

Latest Activity

  1. I will just be glad when it is over. Nursing school has growed (LOL) me up ALOT. Taught me alot about myself and others believe it or
  2. New health care bill..

    Dutifully noted, but at the same time, something needs to be done, waiting and waiting, decade after decade after decade, as we get sicker, sicker, and sicker, and alot of diseases, complications, and...
  3. New health care bill..

    Oh lord, I wont say what will or wont happen. We cant say what will or wont happen with this Reform until the results happen. No sense in being negative or
  4. Would You Like A Bit Of Inspiration, Today?

  5. MRSA, Is this true?

    I recently had an infection from scratching too hard (ecezma) and it was the most horrible thing ever, and yea I had to miss a week of clinicals for
  6. Which do your prefer, Class or Clinicals?

    Clinicals most definitely, I learn better when I am doing something as opposed to just reading about
  7. Nurses and Coffee

    I dont drink coffee.............BUT I do like like Starbuck drinks, and Im so predictable. Winter=Caramel Apple Cider, Summer=Strawberry
  8. Things I Find Gross=Weird

    Mine is seeing burns..................just thinking about it makes me
  9. In Hospital On Call

    And how will Obama do
  10. Just Need Encouragement!

    I am in the same boat as you, I got a 59 on the first test and a 65 on the second test!!!!!! I realized I was not going in depth enough to understand the information. I assumed it was the same info as...
  11. I plan to Burn my Med-Surg book upon successful completion of my
  12. What exactly do some people think nursing is all about???

    Granted Im not a big fan of cleaning up the code browns lol, but I do know that as a future RN, thats part of the job. Its like a detective saying I dont plan on doing the paperwork, yeah
  13. Just passed my RN boards!!!

    Congratulations!!!!!! I so cant wait to be in your shoes in 5
  14. I am in my final semester of nursing school.................UMmmmmmmm when I get my RN and start working I shall look for this post and respond