Nurse Beth MSN

Tele, ICU, Staff Development

Hi! Nice to meet you! I especially love helping new nurses. I am currently a nurse writer with a background in Staff Development, Telemetry and ICU.

Career Columnist / Author

All Content by Nurse Beth

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're facing difficulties securing a job due to the condition on your license. It can be challenging because employers do not want to do the extra paperwork. Then again, 150 hours is just one month's work-not long. The su...
  2. Hi I am a registered nurse looking for job but I am not getting job as I have condition in my license to complete 150hr under a supervisor. Please help
  3. I am currently working in a Level IV NICU PRN for 2 12-hour shifts per month. I have a 6 month old and it kills me leaving him for so long, even though he stays with dad and it's not very often. I'm considering quitting and being a SAHM until our kid...
  4. I'm sorry you're in this predicament. So, I assume the false accusations led to criminal charges, to which you pleaded no contest? In any case of false accusation, nurses must consult legal professionals specializing in health law to protec...
  5. Nurse Beth

    Charged with brandishing a gun. Is my license in jeporady?

    Facing a charge for brandishing a gun, even if it was fake, can have severe implications for your nursing license. The specific consequences depend on several factors, including the laws in your state, the nature of the conviction, and the policies o...
  6. Can you tell me if someone completes the nursing program (LPN) at a community college and you had a criminal charge in between taking the test for license- would someone be able to still take the license test?
  7. It depends. Successfully completing an approved nursing program is one requirement for eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) or receive an Authorization to Test (ATT). Another requirement...
  8. If someone promises you a career within six months of taking their course, take it with a grain of salt. The viability of a career as a board-certified nurse coach within a six-month timeframe is pretty optimistic and depends on several factors...
  9. Is there a viable career demand for a board certified nurse coach in 6 months as some advertise? Please advise?
  10. How do I reinstate license after unpaid taxes in Illinois?
  11. Nurse Beth

    How do I reinstate license after unpaid taxes in Illinois?

    Reinstating a suspended nursing license in Illinois due to unpaid taxes involves several specific steps. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process: 1. Address the Tax Debt Contact the Illinois Department of Revenue (I...
  12. If male patient was getting hernia surgery, do nurses shave all the groin if patient request full shave versus partial shave if that is what they prefer? Should patient be given any recommendations to help with process if that complete shave is appro...
  13. Nurse Beth

    What is the groin shaving prep for hernia surgery?

    In preparation for hernia surgery, especially involving the groin area, hair removal might be part of the preoperative process to reduce the risk of infection. Here's how it typically works: Partial shave. Most commonly, only the area directl...
  14. Nurse Beth

    What happens if I take a 15 yr break from nursing?

    It's tough being torn between your career and your baby. Whatever you decide, keep your license active. Some states require continuing education or practice hours for re-licensing, so check the requirements for maintaining these. I will not...
  15. Nurse Beth

    How do LPN's get remote positions?

    Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) can find remote positions, although these opportunities might be less common than those for Registered Nurses (RNs). Here are some strategies and steps that LPNs can take to secure remote positions: LPNs can...
  16. Nurse Beth

    How do LPN's get remote positions?

    How do LPN's get remote positions? Are there certifications, rather than being or becoming RN?
  17. Nurse Beth

    Pakistan nurse seeking remote work

    Dear Beth, Greetings I am a registered nurse from Pakistan, I hold masters degree in nursing, speciality in oncology nursing. My age is 66.5 years. I have about 42 years of experience of working at different nursing positions from bedside nursin...
  18. Nurse Beth

    Pakistan nurse seeking remote work

    Hello! Congrats on your long career and accomplishments. Given your extensive experience and expertise in nursing, especially in oncology, there are several work-from-home opportunities you can explore. If you are certified in oncology nursing, ...
  19. Have been a nurse for 30 years in Georgia .Travel, independent contractor, employee in dialysis and LTC/Skilled. Have 40 year old convictions for conspiracy sale of drugs. Having extreme difficulties finding employment. Do you have recommendations of...
  20. I'm not understanding why your 40-year-old conviction for conspiracy to sell drugs is suddenly hindering your employment opportunities, primarily since you've worked as a nurse for 30 years. Given your extensive experience and the challenge of a...
  21. Can you please inform me whether it is possible maintain board certification for being a nurse or nurse practitioner without having to resit for the boards, even though one may not be licensed to practice in a particular state? What things maybe...
  22. Nurse Beth

    How do I maintain board certification as a nurse or NP?

    Maintaining board certification as a nurse or nurse practitioner without resitting for the boards is possible, although most certifications require active licensure. Board certification and licensure are two different processes, each with its ow...
  23. Do you have any insight into a reputable ASBN school? At this point, because I am an older adult with prerequisites past the usual 7 year limit, I am looking at either Herzing or Averett in Norfolk, VA because they waived this requirement. Do you hav...
  24. I would love to hear your thoughts on her culpability after you've graduated and practiced for a few years.
  25. Nurse Beth

    Wants to become an OBGYN doctor

    My second question is my end goal is to become an OBGYN doctor after attending college for my BSN what would I have to do to achieve this accomplishment? I'm unsure of the steps or the degree title in order to make sure I'm attending the correct clas...