Anxious Patient

Anxious Patient

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All Content by Anxious Patient

  2. Sleepwalker found frozen after taking Ambien

    Man freezes to death while sleepwalking barefoot in his underwear in 20-below zero weather.
  3. This article is about Steve Jobs, founder of Apple computer, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and who is being very private about his illness. The author believes that the shareholders have a right to know about his health. Jobs' insist...
  4. I have a confession to make

    Yes, I had to sign some forms, then waited about 2 weeks for permission. Those notes were from my initial meeting with him. He's my oncologist for the past 5 years and I feel I'm in good hands. I really don't keep anything from him, but now that I...
  5. I have a confession to make

    As a hospital patient I was curious about my medical records and made the offical request to see them. There was a clerk from medical records in the room with me the whole time. I'm sure I was supervised so as not to alter or remove any pages from th...
  6. questions on versed usage

    I'm wondering. What would happen if the patient wasn't given versed before surgery? Would they then remember and actually feel everything that happened to them while being operated on? Why aren't the drugs that put the patient to sleep and numb the b...
  8. A PA muses about getting older

    a funny article written by a physician assistant about the trials and tribulations of getting older.
  9. There's a restaurant in Arizona called The Heart Attack Grill, with the waitresses dressed as nurses. See menu photos here:
  10. Nurses: we do seduce our patients

    From a survey in England: From the comments section:
  11. Nurses: we do seduce our patients

    I also think the article was sensationalist. Lord Mancroft obviously has an ax to grind against NHS nurses. And because of his peerage, he gets the spotlight when using the bully pulpit. But, judging from the readers comments, I don't think his charg...
  12. My 9 year old patient was raped and required surgery

    I don't know how you nurses do it. After reading so many of your stories, your humanity leaves me humbled. Your patients are indeed blessed. :heartbeat
  13. My 9 year old patient was raped and required surgery

    Sexual child abuse is horrendous enough, but the brutal rape of a 9 year old leaves me speachless. How could she ever lead a normal life after this. I hope that monster gets vigilante justice. What a heart breaking story.
  14. New Patient Member

    Hi ECKPowers, I'm a patient also. Besides being informative, it's fun here too. Some of the nurses are a real kick. And learning what they go through dealing with hospital politics, moody doctors, difficult patients, unpleasant procedures has been a ...
  15. So, emts are trained and have authority to perform pelvic exams in the back of ambulances??? Zowie!
  16. Things people say coming out of anaesthetic

    Wow, I hope my nurses or doctors don't let me know I made an @$$ of myself while under. I don't have a problem that caretakers get a chuckle privately or on forums like this at patient antics, but I would be very disappointed if they, my friends or f...
  17. I got reprimanded at work for not using a bra !

    Since this thread has some humerous comments, thought I would give a link to this funny article: Boob News Roundup: The Power of the Mighty Breast
  18. What's the "real deal" on these Carribean Medical Schools?

    This N.Y. Times article makes the case that U.S. med students might be squeezed out of clinical training in New York because of the influx of Caribbean med students. New York Hospitals Create Outcry in Foreign Deal
  19. hospital loosing medicaid/medicare funding

    Teaching hospitals are paid by Medicare to train physicians. If they lose this funding, they can't pay the student doctors. The hospitals actually make a profit from Medicare, in addition to getting cheap labor. I think it's a big deal if these hosp...
  20. Video surveillance of hospital workers for hand hygiene

    I wonder how this system will address patient privacy. The camera will obviously be on during intimate procedures in the patient's room. Plus the patient's face will be easily identifiable. And who are the people who will be doing the monitoring? Wil...
  21. "The US Department of Health and Human Services announces a new proposed rule aimed at protecting health care workers who object to abortion or birth control from having to perform their jobs."
  22. Regulation Proposed to Help Protect Health Care Providers from Discrimination

    I wonder what happens if an unconscious patient arrives in an emergency room bleeding to death, and the only physician on call is a Jehovah's Witness who opposes blood transfusions. I see where the doc can now legally refuse to transfuse, so shouldn...
  23. Regulation Proposed to Help Protect Health Care Providers from Discrimination

    This is an interesting article from the Washington Post on the subject: Protections Set for Antiabortion Health Workers From the comments section:
  24. Do surgeons intimidate nurses?

    The Husband of a Patient who accompanied his wife into the OR during a C-section recounts his observation of real fear from nurses towards the surgeons when a sponge went missing as the woman's abdomen was being sewn up.
  25. stitches

    I had surgery in a Los Angeles hospital. When I had my staples removed, a nurse was allowed to do it, but I couldn't leave until a doctor came to check for infection or whatever.