ZooMommyRN ADN, RN

Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN

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About ZooMommyRN

ZooMommyRN has 17 years experience as a ADN, RN and specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN.

Love my job in the land of little people!

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  1. ZooMommyRN

    U of Michigan interview, Advise Please!!

    Sorry your shadow and interview was canceled, what unit are you looking at? I am in Peds ER so our paths might cross ? good
  2. I started out in a very small ER in SW Florida, I saw WAY more fresh trauma there than I do now in a Level 1 Peds ER, the majority of our trauma cases now are what we call "recycled" and everything is...
  3. ZooMommyRN


    All new grads in the ER program at the UofM system are required to work a full 40 hr appointment during orientation for 6 months then continue at 40hours for another 6 months, then they can request a...
  4. ZooMommyRN

    RN to BSN in Michigan?

    It hasnt been too bad so far, my hardest course so was biochem, i took stats 10 years ago and managed to remember enough to test out after a few weeks. There is a lot of chance for help and...
  5. ZooMommyRN

    RN to BSN in Michigan?

    All BSN programs I have seen require those. Most ADN programs also include microbiology as well, I honestly dont think you will find a BSN program without those either as a prerequisite or as part of...
  6. ZooMommyRN

    RN to BSN in Michigan?

    I am about 1/2 way through Western Governor's BSN and like it so far, it is CCNE accredited, same as UM, MSU, EMU
  7. ZooMommyRN

    U of M Flint/Ann Arbor

    A BSN is almost required now to get in at U of M now that they have been awarded magnet status, as far as where the degree comes from, that would vary among management, our unit has hired new grads...
  8. ZooMommyRN

    Samuel Merritt Online MSN FNP

    I came up to about 67K since it's $1,353 per unit and you need 55 to graduate and that's not counting any other fees, full tuition $75,538 is according to theirs but I don't see where room and board...
  9. ZooMommyRN

    Is earwax removal an emergency?

    That's a typical day in my world
  10. ZooMommyRN

    Samuel Merritt Online MSN FNP

    wow I just did the math for this program as I hadn't heard of them before and just had a run of SVT, is this your only option? And I thought the local university $44,000ish was a lot (this from...
  11. Best way to get accurate information would be to call the CA BON, I'm sure they also have lots of information and FAQ on their webpage as well, good
  12. ZooMommyRN

    What is your opinion on calling in "sick"

    No one questions Diarrhea seriously though, they aren't allowed to ask specifics here when you call off, if you are actually sick and get a doctor's note all missed days just count as
  13. ZooMommyRN

    Are new grads prepared for the bedside?

    My biggest frustration is that I have had some hit the unit with the mentality that they are instantly better than someone because they have a BSN, most don't even realize their preceptors are...
  14. ZooMommyRN

    Do Columbus new grad jobs exist?

    My husband's family is down between Dayton & Cinci, when we visit they try recruiting me so we'll move closer, but since I don't hold my BSN yet I am seriously limited and would be looking at a...
  15. ZooMommyRN

    RN to BSN EMU or WMU

    I opted to do online through WGU, so far I've finished two classes since starting in July. My manager is working to get it approved to tuition reimbursement since it's CCNE accredited like UM-FLint,...