sissiesmama ASN, RN


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All Content by sissiesmama

  1. sissiesmama

    Poll: Nurse and law enforcement couples

    My hubby is also an RN - my ex is LEO. Anne, RNC
  2. sissiesmama

    ER nurses a different 'type' than others?

    Me too!! Love it! Anne, RNC
  3. sissiesmama

    Strange CoWorker Stories

    Oh nononono! Anne, RNC
  4. sissiesmama

    You should know better

    My biggest is Coke - up to 3 or 4 a day, ice cold. The colder, the better. My cardiologist does not like it, but gotta have something. Anne, RNC
  5. sissiesmama

    You should know better

    I avoided the dentist for a long time- but found one here that's awesome - and she's a dog lover top, so we get along really well. The Gyno?? Cobwebs plus some. I haven't been in almost 10 years...
  6. sissiesmama

    You should know better

  7. sissiesmama

    Working on Expired License for 5 Weeks

    Glad everything was taken care so quickly!
  8. sissiesmama

    Working on Expired License for 5 Weeks

    I think the person here that went 8 weeks before noticing only had to pay $250 and the CEs she had to do for the board were maybe 5 or 10 hours. Anne, RNC
  9. sissiesmama

    Getting back pain treatment at the hospital you work at.

    I agree with Viva! Anne, RNC
  10. sissiesmama

    its almost impossible

    I live in Louisiana- I've applied twice and denied both times - the second time we used an attorney. Anne, RNC
  11. sissiesmama

    Good News!

    AWESOME news!! Congratulations- I'm reapplying for disability for the 3rd time. Anne, RNC
  12. sissiesmama

    Flaring Up

    Hi heather! I'm sorry u are feeling so bad! I was diagnosed with fibro after having a CVA 7 years ago - wouldn't wish this on anyone! It's crazy that so much of the time that even the meds we need to take for 1 problem cause a flare. Praying th...
  13. sissiesmama

    Does the bad pop up for Pearson Vue mean you fail?

    Franks and beans! Anne, RNC
  14. sissiesmama

    I'm a patient. Sorry to intrude.

    I know! That's what I was thinking too! We need more patients like that! Anne, RNC
  15. sissiesmama

    Working on Expired License for 5 Weeks

    Hi! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Please don't be too hard on yourself! You made a mistake - Not sure how hard your state's BON will be but this actually happened to a coworker of mine quite a few years ago. Hers had lapsed for 8 weeks ...
  16. sissiesmama

    Stuck with dirty needle by fellow Nurse!

    That is CRAZY! I really hope the stick was an accident but either way, crap! If it was an accident and she's saying it wasn't, she's a moron. If it was on purpose and she's going around talking about that fact, there's no way she needs to be nursin...
  17. sissiesmama

    I don't know if it was worth becoming a nurse

    Hi! Thankfully, yes. I was terrified to apply to another med surg unit but I took a job at a different hospital a little closer to home. That facility was awesome, and I worked that med surg unit for over 9 years and quit because I was getting mar...
  18. sissiesmama

    Now THAT'S a lab result

    11.8 - that's NUTS!!
  19. sissiesmama

    Become a Nurse without Nursing School

    Oh yes! Two of the craziest lately to me were the "camming" and the "why can't I use the user name Nurse JohnDoe if I'm in nsg school" 🌝
  20. sissiesmama

    Become a Nurse without Nursing School

    Thank goodness! I'm glad it wasn't just me getting the nasty PMs. Anne, RNC
  21. sissiesmama

    Become a Nurse without Nursing School

  22. sissiesmama


    I thought there were online study guides and practice questions - I'm just asking because it was SO long ago since I was in nsg school - I thought that kind of study materials were out there like Nclex manuals and practice questions. Anne, RNC
  23. sissiesmama

    disappointed with job offer

    This! I know it's so very hard but try your best to hang in there until u can transfer - you've already done 8 months, and you can start looking for that spot u want very soon - I would start looking and planning what or where you would like to trans...
  24. sissiesmama

    I don't know if it was worth becoming a nurse

    Something similar happened to me too - with me it was a crazy unit I worked at our local teaching hospital. I worked 5 months before I left - just couldn't take it another day. I cried in the parking lot almost every am before work and then again on...
  25. sissiesmama

    First Choice Nurse; Second ???

    Cool! What's your favorite to shoot with?