sissiesmama ASN, RN


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All Content by sissiesmama

  1. sissiesmama

    Drug seekers

    This!! I can remember how I felt when I was 19 and admitted to the hospital with abd pain - finally got a diagnosis of pancreatitis. I was stuck in the hospital for weeks at a time waiting for my enzymes to go back down - I had stones lodged in my d...
  2. sissiesmama

    Nurses who've had LASIK

    Oh thank u for this thread OP!! I actually asked about this same topic on Facebook yesterday. I've been toying with the idea for a few years and finally to get mine done sometime in the next few months. I'll be glad to read the replies - I HATE gla...
  3. Now THAT's my kind of grandma!! Anne, RNC
  4. sissiesmama

    Do RNs get extra pay for working with students?

    Spurse 32 - you are getting paid - just not in $$ Anne, RNC
  5. sissiesmama

    Short Rant Alert!

    No doubt!!! I hit 45 in August - I thought by now PMS would be just a fading memory. Anne, RNC
  6. sissiesmama

    Day two after termination: Getting better

    I haven't either. Never heard of someone having to notify BON unless it was an arrest, or if they were turning themselves in for narcotic/meds diversion. Anne, RNC
  7. sissiesmama

    Thank you, Joy Behar!

    I hope this isn't offensive to anyone but a friend shared this on my fb page. Anne, RNC
  8. sissiesmama

    Navy nurse stethascope color

  9. sissiesmama

    What is the strangest thing...

    Noooooo! Are u serious? That's nuts! Talk about a klepto! I can't imagine what she planned to do with soiled dressing. Barf!
  10. sissiesmama

    What is the strangest thing...

    At a previous hospital they had some of the most beautiful paintings - they were HUGE!!! Not sure how but every week we would find that a patient of their family would pull them off the wall in rooms - and cram them in their suitcase. We used to ha...
  11. sissiesmama

    Document Everything!

    Hahahahahaha! Anne, RNC
  12. sissiesmama

    Chose med surg like I'm supposed to, but really unhappy.

    I second this - your current manager will find out, and probably quickly. It would help I'm sure to mention it to your current manager before she finds out through the grapevine. Anne, RNC
  13. sissiesmama

    Brian Short News

    Such an awful tragedy! There are no words - I came to AN quite a few years ago and have always loved reading his postings - Sending prayers for Brian's family, friends, and fellow AN mods as they go through this time. I am very thankful to u Bria...
  14. sissiesmama

    Has anyone had NCLEX on hold and failed?

    Awesome!! Great news - congrats! Anne, RNC
  15. sissiesmama

    About To voluntarily surrender my lpn license .

    OP - wow! That is crazy! I'm SO sorry u are having to deal with that - Good luck with it - please let us know how it goes. Anne, RNC
  16. sissiesmama

    PVT: Question of Character?

    I know! That's what I keep thinking when I see some of the threads about the PVT, about having to wait so many hours, days, or whatever. It was a LONG 7 weeks waiting on my results years ago in the "snail mail" Anne, RNC
  17. sissiesmama

    Missing my AN friends

    I always miss out on the "goodies"! Anne, RNC
  18. sissiesmama

    I did something bad and I'm scared

    That's crazy!! Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong - he shouldn't have pushed like that - I worked for a short time at a facility that tried to get employees in the door like that- The place turned out to be a nightmare! Don't let it get to...
  19. sissiesmama


    Ack! *looking for some Phenergan* Anne, RNC
  20. sissiesmama

    Reasons patients turn on their call light

    Hahaha! I remember some of these patients - and a few that said they were timing us to see how long someone took to answer it.
  21. The one that sticks in my mind the most - one of my old LPN instructors got admitted to our med-surg unit with a diagnosis of breast Ca - had a mastectomy with the TRAM procedure. She didn't do well, and stayed on our unit for weeks - she finally w...
  22. Oh noooo!
  23. sissiesmama

    What can I work as before I get my RN license?

    Hi! I worked as a ward clerk on a med-surg unit at our local hospital - the nurses I worked with let me go with them to watch dressing changes, ect - that helped me some. I have friends that worked as NTs and it helped them a lot! Not a bad idea t...
  24. sissiesmama

    Good nurse novels to read?

    It was excellent! Anne, RNC
  25. sissiesmama

    Com'on, you got one...What is your heart wrenching moment?

    Oh goodness! I was just thinking about this patient this week (or actually the situation) Working as an LPN while finishing RN school - long story short, we were the local facility where all severely autistic or Downs young adults were admitted - I...