livinglighthouse ADN, RN

Oncology, Palliative care

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About livinglighthouse

livinglighthouse has 14 years experience as a ADN, RN and specializes in Oncology, Palliative care.

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  1. livinglighthouse

    Is home health that bad?

    I feel like I am a lucky one.........I worked in the hospital setting for 8 years, Med/Surg, Oncology, Cardiac/Neuro, Case Management. I started in home health last year and I agree that the first...
  2. livinglighthouse

    How do you use your flexible schedule?

    In a typical 8 hour day most home health nurses I know use that time very differently and not always in a strict 8-5 linear fashion, nor seeing patients starting first thing in the morning...........I...
  3. livinglighthouse

    Inadvertent HIPPA violation

    Just want to let everyone know how things ended up..........Had to meet with Compliance Dept today, signed a disclosure that I will not share or distribute hipaa information and that I verify that the...
  4. livinglighthouse

    Inadvertent HIPPA violation

    Thank you for your reply. I did not report it as my thought was that the information was sent to myself, and that the info was something part of my job, not unauthorized access to info. Deleting it...
  5. livinglighthouse

    Inadvertent HIPPA violation

    I just started a new job at Kaiser and am 2 months into my 90 day probation. I inadvertently created a hippa violation. Here is what happened. I had made some word/excel documents with checklists to...
  6. livinglighthouse

    HH in job offer, thoughts?

    the benefits are very good....and the case load is 15 for the first year and then 20
  7. livinglighthouse

    HH in job offer, thoughts?

    I have been in the hospital for 8 years now.....I have begun to specialize in chemotherapy, palliative care. I got an offer from a big hospital in Sacramento for HH Advanced Illness...
  8. livinglighthouse

    CA RN...will I take a paycut?

    I currently work FT in Nor Cal making $42 base pay...we do not own a home so would not qualify for a tax home.........would I end up taking a paycut to travel???? We are mostly interested in the...
  9. livinglighthouse

    Experiences with being an Alternate for Admission?

    I was alternate #3 this semester and got in. Ultimately 6 alternates got in. We have a class of 48........I think each school is different and a lot has to do with how many students are accepted. I...
  10. livinglighthouse

    Nursing school starts Tuesday!!

    I had family orientation last Thursday, then this Thursday I have a 4 hour orientation (lots of paperwork I hear) then start classes on Monday. the first 8 weeks we have no clinicals, dosage...
  11. livinglighthouse

    Just got back from Family Orientation

    My school is Butte Community College in Oroville,
  12. livinglighthouse

    Just got back from Family Orientation

    And it was great, I think all nursing school should do this. They did a powerpoint to show the number of hours the student is in class and the number of hours they should be studying at home so the...
  13. livinglighthouse

    Why did you Failed Clinicals?

    At the school I'm starting at I've heard pushing ANY IV meds without your instructor present will get you immediately expelled. No ifs and or
  14. livinglighthouse nursing program starts in 3 weeks

    I start in two weeks and here is what I've been doing/will do. 1. Read the intro/first chapter in each of my textbooks 2. Getting a message 3. Stocking up on school supplies and snacks to keep in...
  15. livinglighthouse

    I had orientation today!

    We have a family orientation next week on the 14th (this is where your spouse, kids, parents come) this is pretty cool that our school does to help prepare the families for what the student is going...