FranEMTnurse CNA, LPN, EMT-I

LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor.

I have always loved to help people feel better, and is why I became an EMT and an LPN in 1997

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All Content by FranEMTnurse

  1. FranEMTnurse

    Flood Waters Bring Lasting Health Hazards

    Very informative for the sav=fety of others. Thank you.
  2. FranEMTnurse

    What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    Their names are "Itchy and Scratchy."
  3. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    New rule: Staging an attorney at the entrance of the ER forces us to be more careful during surgical procedures.
  4. FranEMTnurse

    Are We Still Holding Back Baby's Head?

    The nurses decided to hold my firstborn back because my doctor was out of town for a leisurely ride. After I heard them discussing it, I decided to push as hard as I could with each contraction, and my baby was born just as my doctor's husband, also ...
  5. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    I wish they would stop picking on the surgical stall
  6. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    They're lurking again.
  7. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Greedy attorneys
  8. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    This is almost as dangerous as HIPPA!
  9. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    I think that lawyer out there is trying to intimidate us. Do you agree?
  10. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Dang! I forgot to pay my malpractice3 insurance bill. YIKES!
  11. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    I wonder if my malpractice insurance is going to protect me.
  12. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    Hmmm, I wonder if I studied enough for this surgical procedure.
  13. FranEMTnurse

    July 2017 Caption Contest - Select $100 Winner!

    I wonder if my pockets are deep enough to collect from these lawsuits.
  14. FranEMTnurse

    What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

    This really is GROSS! YUCK
  15. FranEMTnurse

    What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

    I love these stories. They give me bellylaughs.
  16. FranEMTnurse

    What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

  17. FranEMTnurse

    Please help, this is complicated.

    I am deeply sorry for the shocking loss of your husband. What you are going through is so devastating, and we all are different, and all have different ways to deal with the emptiness death of a loved one causes. Several years ago, I met a young ma...
  18. FranEMTnurse

    What is the grossest thing that's happened to you???

    I would have too. YUCK!
  19. FranEMTnurse

    Day in the Life of a Peds Onc RN

    I know I would not be able todo what you do, Ashley. My hat is off to you for being strong enough to take on the duties of a Pediatric nurse. God Bless you. I am certain many more like you are needed.
  20. Fantastic! Finally, a device that helps lighten the nurse's workload.
  21. FranEMTnurse

    The Pro and Cons of Caregiver Agencies

    i am a second career LPN. Shortly after getting my nursing license at age 55, I became disabled, and currently get around in a motorized chair due to my inability to raise my arms no higher than level, and foot drop. I believe I'm an individual who ...
  22. FranEMTnurse

    Choice, Pathology, and the Disease Model of Addiction

    My mother and brother were both addicts. My mother to pain killers prescribed by her GP, an old army doctor for the injuries she suffered. She was accident prone. My brother however, seeing how they made her feel, began taking some of them so he cou...
  23. FranEMTnurse

    Day 7: 2016 Nurses Week Caption Contest

    Patient: Nurse! something just moved over my leg! Nurse: let me see. Oh dear, that's a snake! get out of that bed quick! Patient: How did a snake get in here? Nurse: I don't know, but it's shocking. I'm calling maintenance STAT! Lets move out quickly...
  24. FranEMTnurse

    To the Nurse held Hostage yesterday

    Dear hostage nurses, I truly hope you were released. What a horrible experience. Nurses are in such danger every day helping the sick and injured.I realize you will suffer from the trauma, and I truly hope you will heal from it soon. God bless you.
  25. FranEMTnurse

    Funniest/strangest dementia patient stories
