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All Content by ChristyMNOP

  1. MA's please stop letting school practice on you !

    I think 70 sticks is really too much. You only need a few to get the basic steps down, and after that its just experience and that should only come with clinical practice on patients. I would like to say though that I wish my program allowed us to...
  2. attention all Baptist nurses

    I don't know about it for everywhere in the Baptist system, but I think it just depends on your nurse manager. I have heard that some units allow it, and some don't as much. I don't think you should count on it as a regular thing though.
  3. St. Jude's Anyone?

    To answer OP's question, yes there are suburbs outside of Memphis that are worth looking into, Olive branch MS is one, Lakeland TN, Atoka TN (these are further out). As far as crime, yes every where has crime but for some reason, Memphis is just get...
  4. St. Jude's Anyone?

    True. Best to do lots of research in the suburbs, stay far away from Memphis Metro.
  5. St. Jude's Anyone?

    Oh, and as far as moving from MO to here, I don't know, depends on where you work in MO. I've heard southern MO outside of St. Louis gets paid next to nothing, so then yes, it would be worth it financially for sure.
  6. St. Jude's Anyone?

    I have some info on it. You are right, n/p ratios on the regular floor are 1/4 or less, on ICUSD, ICU, and transplant, its more like 1/1-2 and sometimes 2/1 depending on the acuity. They are very sick little children. People who work there general...
  7. I think we glossed over it during our one class on giving baths. And really, it was not even a "check off" skill. Where I intern the patient load for nurses is routinely 8-9, and CNA's usually have at least 13 pts. I cannot imagine them ever givin...
  8. This makes me SOOOOOOO mad!!!!!!!!

    I agree to go with a private college. My tuition is about 3000 a semester but they have programs in place to help you, including tuition deferral based on employment contracts (I know, I know, but hey, some of us have to do it anyway). It is not th...
  9. Too much protein?

    I don't know the answer, but I think its interesting that high protein for a less than good kidney function is detrimental and will cause further damage. I've heard before from an instructor (source was a book I think) that kidney damage has to be s...
  10. We make as much as maids

    I read on another board that I visit that a waiter at a fine dining restaurant in a mid-sized city could make upwards of 5,000 a month. I just think that is sick money, my husband said he would dance on a pole for that kind of money, lol.
  11. OMG! My feet are killing me!

    I think since you are having toe crowding that you should try the Crocs RX. They have some new ones coming out soon according to their website that have more arch support, I would look into those too. But I have wide feet, and can't stand to have m...
  12. What country do you dream of working abroad?

    The carribean. In fact, when my kid/kids are grown and out of high school, and I am close to retirement, I hope to go live on an island and work for a year or two. I like the idea of Aruba. Or I've been to lots of other islands, and if I had to ch...
  13. Low census?

    I don't work as a nurse yet but I do intern and I haven't heard anything about being really low lately. Maybe we don't experience that. Its possible, since we are in the Stroke Belt. Maybe you should move here, lol! Just kidding.
  14. Is LPN a good first step?

    I think you should just go for the RN. I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I do know some LPN's that are in my BSN program right now, and they basically get no credit clinically or class-wise for having this experience. Most of them say ...
  15. First of all-this is not asking for medical advice. I'm just wondering how much swelling has to occur before you become concerned that something else is going on with your patient? Assume that neurovascular status seems to be intact for now. Just ...
  16. Question about swelling and bug bites

    I'm sorry, I'm not asking for advice, I just want to know at what point would a nurse be concerned about swelling after a bug bite. Sort of like a case study question with the background listed above.
  17. Question about swelling and bug bites

    Ok, no admitting dx, and meds are diphenhydramine q4 and hydrocortisone cream topically q6 with cold compresses. The question is really at what point should swelling respond to treatment? 12h, 24h, and what are some signs that swelling is impeding ...
  18. Question about swelling and bug bites

    Pediatric patient, no hx, and unknown bug bite but no known history of allergies to bugs, food, etc. General good health.
  19. Nurses who act incompetent...

    I say use it as a teachable moment. Like, "you don't know how to do assessments/dismissals? Let me show you. Its really simple, anyone can do it." But then again, I'm pretty passive-agressive.
  20. LPN/RN Rumble

    I think this was an insensitive and catty remark meant to hurt your feelings and belittle you. Don't let it. That being said, I am in nursing school (bsn) and honestly I'm always surprised at how the school aspect teachs us would-be RN's to look at ...
  21. Advice for decreasing noise

    I guess it depends on what kind of noise. Is it phones ringing and monitors beeping? If so then you could test run turning the phone down to a low setting and see if anyone misses calls, etc.
  22. I'm curious if there is anything about this drug that says that it must be lifelong? If treatment is stopped is the risk that the cholesterol will have some sort of crazy rebound like when you abruptly stop betablockers and get uncontrolled htn? I'...
  23. what is SBS lab test?

    Wait, is this one of those case study questions where it says which order to question? Then I say question that one because you are unfamiliar with the abbreviation and can't find another reference to it.
  24. what is SBS lab test?

    Serial blood sugars?
  25. Thanks, that confirms what I saw in my research. Seems like the answer is that most people will be on it but there is a chance that things could improve to the point of not needing meds with lifestyle modification.